In recent years, under the leadership of the National Leader, Independent, permanently Neutral Turkmenistan has entered to number of prosperous countries of the world.

Through the efforts of Arkadag in the third millennium, our country has become one of the countries with developed industry.

Dear President, who attaches special importance to even more perfect democratic transformations in Turkmen society, pushing forward democratic values ​​— principles inherited from our fathers, turned our Homeland into a happy country.

One of the main goals of our Arkadag is the transformation of our beautiful Homeland into a country of peace, happiness, prosperity, construction of villages and cities in our beloved Homeland, to achieve high boundaries in all directions, to achieve the standard of living of our beloved people to a high world level.

As a result of the tireless care of the National Leader, are further strengthened the creative foundations of the eternally indestructible state of the Turkmen, increases its economic power, achieved high labor production results in industry, agriculture and entrepreneurship, more competitive Turkmen goods are exported to the world market, created all conditions for science and education, culture, humanitarian industries. Great efforts are being made to turn the Turkmen nation into one of the nations of the world, who creates, builds and invents. In accordance with modern requirements, legislation - is being consistently improved further strengthening of social protection of the people in this direction. In addition, our citizens are provided with medical services at the level of the requirements of the developed world, is continuing construction of polyclinics, health protection centers, hospitals, and health centers. Improving the ameliorative condition of agricultural lands in our country, guided by the precepts of our fathers, we are striving for the careful use of the country's water resources, and are being organized efficient use of water. Along the channels leading to the Turkmen Lake "Altyn Asyr" is created settlements with all the conditions for life. Special attention is paid to the creation of wide agricultural areas along the channels of saline waters with a peculiar natural and plant world formed there.

Led by Arkadag, are created good living conditions for citizens living in cities and etraps. Updating the condition of roads and bridges between cities and villages are organized regular settlements of passenger buses between settlements.

Our National Leader keeps the focus on raising salaries, pensions, scholarships, government benefits. At present, provision of citizens of the country, in particular the young people with work are taking the necessary events related to the implementation of all the important steps for obtaining modern education. In our country, continues consistently material support of the family, allocated the necessary amounts of finances addressed to the housing problems of each family. There are successfully resolved the fundamental issues of protecting a family considered to be a creation of society, also of motherhood and childhood.

In addition, the political system of our society is being consistently improved, the work of the local executive is being strengthened, and social life is being democratized even deeper and wider.

As a result of the wise policy of the National Leader, Turkmenistan is known as a country that promotes world peace, friendship and fraternity, humanism, unity, and a country committed to the democratic path recognized on an international level and aimed to protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens.

All the successes and victories we have achieved in recent years in politics, economics, cultural and humanitarian systems, science, education and health care are inextricably linked with the name of Arkadag. That is why today the soul of every Turkmen citizen living in our happy Homeland is filled with heartfelt gratitude and satisfaction to President Arkadag.