One of the main goals of the distinguished President is to create reliable food abundance in our country. The consistent implementation of complex and large-scale transformations leads to a large increase in the agricultural complex of Turkmenistan. A clear confirmation of this is the great labor victory achieved, the gathering in Turkmenistan on June 27 of more than 1 million 600 thousand tons of food wheat. This great achievement of Turkmen grain-growers is a peculiar fruit of large-scale transformations carried out by the distinguished President in the system of agriculture.

The achievement of this labor victory was made possible on the basis of the consistent fulfillment by the velayats and etraps of the country of their contractual obligations. More precisely ...

On June 25, the Akhal velayat, having passed over 450 thousand tons of milling wheat to the bins of the Motherland, was among the first to fulfill contractual obligations for the harvest of grain. Also on June 26, grain growers of the Mary velayat donated over 380 thousand tons of grain to the Homeland bins. And on June 27, the grain growers of the Lebap, Dashoguz and Balkan velayat reported on their labor victories. This means that the grain growers of the Lebap velayat delivered over 350 thousand tons to the bins of the Motherland, the grain growers of the Dashoguz velayat passed over 300 thousand tons, and the farmers of the Balkan passed over 120 thousand tons of high-quality food wheat.

Sectoral provision of new equipment and bringing it to modern requirements, the introduction of advanced technologies, providing village workers with high-quality seeds and the necessary mineral resources, a consistent increase in the purchase prices for wheat, issuing farmers associations, tenants, entrepreneurs preferential loans for the purchase of agricultural equipment, as well as financing other expenses ensured the successful implementation of grain mowers in our country.

These days on the fields of the country continues the spit of wheat. The grain growers in an orderly manner continue to work in the fields to harvest the remaining harvest to the last grain.