International Women's Day is solemnly celebrated in our country at the state level, which gives beauty to the world, inspiration to the soul of a person in spring. This holiday inspires to new goals and great deeds not only of our women and girls, but also all our people. In our beautiful capital Ashgabat, in all corners of our country, in honor of the holiday, there are held song and music celebrations, creative competitions, exhibitions, and fervent cultural and sports events.

Respect for dear mothers, women and girls, exaltation of their dignity is a national custom going through the millennia. Our women, being the comfort of the hearth, decorating our lives, worthily continuing our traditions that have worked diligently from century to century, from generation to generation, working diligently in various industries, carrying out large-scale business aimed at turning our beloved Motherland into a powerful state.

Women play a huge role in preserving, propaganda, bringing to the future generation a rich heritage of a connecting era and generation. Our rich heritage, which has been going through the millennia, helps the harmonious growth of personality, the formation of high moral qualities and patriotism in the younger generations. Our national wealth has become a model of heroism, high morality and humanism, pouring into the soul of our young generation through the love of our mother.

In the field of protecting the rights and interests of women, supporting family, childhood and motherhood, our state has established and continues to develop effective relations with reputable international organizations, primarily the special agencies of the United Nations. Our women work effectively in state, government and government bodies, in various sectors, especially science and education, culture and healthcare.

In our state, for our women, all the necessary conditions have been created for a free, prosperous and happy life, for work, for a worthy upbringing of the younger generation.

With all my heart we congratulate women with the International Women's Day solemnly celebrated in spring at the state level!