Election of the President of Turkmenistan – 2017:totals and figures


Based on the decision of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of October 15, 2016, the election of the President of Turkmenistan was scheduled for Sunday, February 12, 2017.

The election campaign for the election of the President of Turkmenistan began on October 24, 2016.

In the presidential elections in Turkmenistan, one constituency was established in the country.

For the conduct of voting at the election there were formed 2,587 polling stations, including:

  • in the Akhal velayat 364;
  • in the Balkan velayat 272;
  • in the Dashoguz velayat 518;
  • in the Lebap velayat 558;
  • in the Mary velayat 544;
  • in the Ashgabat city 292;
  • At foreign diplomatic missions of Turkmenistan (consular organizations), 39 polling stations were established.

The election of the President of Turkmenistan was in the center of attention of observers from all over the world and the public of the country.

During the course of the elections of the President of Turkmenistan, 3,223 national observers registered by the Central Election Commission, nominated by political parties operating in the country, public associations, groups of citizens and nominated by the candidates themselves, including:

  • in the Akhal velayat 472;
  • in the Balkan velayat 374;
  • in the Dashoguz velayat 617;
  • in the Lebap velayat  709;
  • in the Mary velayat 668;
  • in the Ashgabat city 383.

The number of national observers nominated from political parties, public organizations, groups of citizens and nominated candidates:

  • From the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan 610;
  • From the party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan 336;
  • From the Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan 407;
  • From trade unions of Turkmenistan 687;
  • From the Union of Women of Turkmenistan 279;
  • From the youth organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly 509;
  • From groups of citizens 321;               
  • 74 observers were appointed from the candidates.

National observers appointed from political parties, public organizations, groups of citizens and candidates monitored at all stages of the election.

154 election observers watched the elections.

During the course of the elections:

  • Representatives of the United Nations;
  • Commonwealth of Independent States;
  • Bureau for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe;
  • The Shanghai Cooperation Organization;
  • Islamic Cooperation Organization;
  • as well as international and independent observers of foreign countries - the Republic of Turkey, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the People's Republic of China, Korean, Japanese, Austrian Republics, the Republic of India and the United States of America.

47.41% of the national observers are women.

The number of national observers included people with higher education 51.07%, secondary special 35.71%, secondary education 13.22%.

Among the national observers, 29.44% are people under the age of 30, 25.38% between the ages of 30 and 40, 24.05% between the ages of 40 and 50, and 21.13% over 50.

The Central Election Commission prepared 8 manuals and booklets, 7 provisions. Some of them were published in two, and some in three languages. All printed matter was sent to the appropriate election commissions.

15 videos were prepared, explaining the voting procedure and demonstrated to the voters by TV and radio channels.

The election of the President of Turkmenistan was covered by the mass media. 374 TV and radio broadcasts, 625 articles, news and speeches were presented to the public.

Also, the election was covered by 38 representatives of foreign media working in Ashgabat.

Nomination of candidates began on December 14, 2016 and ended on January 12, 2017.

Registration of candidates began on December 24, 2016 and ended before January 17, 2017.

In the elections of the President of Turkmenistan, the Central Election Commission registered 9 candidates nominated by political parties and initiative groups.

The President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was nominated from the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan;

From the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan was nominated the chairman of the board of the joint-stock commercial bank of Turkmenistan “Rysgal”, the deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan Bekmurat Atalyev;

From the Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan, Chairman of the Committee of the Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan of  Mary velayat Durdyklych Orazov was nominated;

Also, the initiative groups that collected signatures in support of candidates were nominated:

Deputy Chairman of the State Association of the Food Industry of Turkmenistan Maksat Annanepesov;

Serdar Jelilov, Chairman of the Main Department of Economics and Development of the Ahal velayat;

Director General of the Garabogazsulfate Production Association of the State Concern Turkmenhimiya;

Deputy khyakim of the Dashoguz velayat Meretdurdy Gurbanov;

Director of the Seydi Oil Refinery, member of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan    Ramazan Durdyev;

Jumanazar Annaev, deputy khyakim of the Mary velayat.

So, 3 candidates have been registered from political parties, and 6 candidates from initiative groups.

9 candidates competed for the election of the President of Turkmenistan.

In the elections for voting, two types of ballots were produced:

1. A regular ballots;

2. Special ballots for visually impaired voters using braille.

Early voting for the elections was held from 2 to 11 February 2017 and 232,842 voters or 7.16% voted on it.

On election day at polling stations, voting took place from 7.00 to 19.00.

Within the country, out of 3,252,243 registered voters, 3,163,692 voted, or 97.28%.

More precisely:

By 09-00 840143 voters voted, 25.83%;

By 11-00 1679271 voters, 51.63%;

By 13-00 2425730 voters, 74.59%;

By 15-00 2828230 voters, 86.96%;

By 17-00 3063110 voters, 94.18%;

By 19-00 3163692 voters, 97.28%.

Outside the country, out of 23,377 registered voters, 22,827 voted.

71 685 young voters voted for the first time in the elections, which turned 18 by the election day.

13 753 voters used the right to vote outside the polling station because of their health condition.

According to the results of the February 12, 2017 elections of the President of Turkmenistan:

Maksat Annanepesov scored 1.02% of the vote;

Jumanazar Annaev 0.21%;

Bekmurat Atalyev 0.36%;

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov 97.69%;

Ramazan Durdyev 0.15%;

Meretdurdy Gurbanov 0,17%;

Serdar Jelilov  0.25%;

Suleimannepes Nurnepesov 0.09%;

Orazov Durdyklych  0.06%.

At the elections of the President of Turkmenistan, with the participation of 3,163,692 citizens with the right to vote, having obtained 97.69% of the votes, the candidate Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was elected President of Turkmenistan for a period of 7 years.

The number of actively working in election commissions for the organized holding of elections exceeds 18 thousand people.