Elections are a mirror of society. Any held in the country elections or referendums are a tool that shows the degree of perfection, unity, harmony, tranquility reigning throughout society.

One of the main responsibilities of the Central Commission for Holding  Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan is a detailed study of the international experience holding elections, types of electoral systems, to conduct explanatory work about it among voters and election commissions, bringing it up to the consciousness of the masses, with the result that, even further improve the work of the electoral system.

At the present time is a lot of work on the improvement, even further enriching the electoral system of Turkmenistan, based on national traditions.

Constantly Neutral Turkmenistan cooperates closely with the United Nations, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the European Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States. This close cooperation to a certain extent affected the improvement of the work of the electoral system.

The participation of international observers from the United Nations, the countries of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States, and regional states in elections in Turkmenistan contributes to the acquisition of experience at the international level in this important public-political event.

The right of citizens to elect and be elected to the Turkmen people's life takes its roots deep in history. Regarding the importance of the history of this can be explained as follows. Historical sources indicate that in the life of the Turkmen people peculiar meeting, referendums were held regularly. At these meetings, either in small parliamentary councils, a representative of the people had equal rights.      

Use of basic law of Turkmenistan, Turkmenistan's electoral code and other normative legal documents of the state concerning of elections and referendums, as well as international treaties signed in the elections held in the country, evidence of their organization in accordance with the highest world requirements.

In Turkmenistan, the right to elect and be elected, to participate in referendums have no limits and belong to all. This is an excellent condition for the an open and free expression of the will of its people.The laws of Turkmenistan and of real life, in the field of  political rights, people have no prohibitions and restrictions. This principle is relevant direction of social relations enshrined legislative documents.

An important feature of the laws in the field of electoral rights and freedoms of our country is in accordance with their international requirements and standards in this direction.

Main principle of work the Central Election Commission is to ensure legality of, independence, neutrality, collegiality, openness and publicity.

To ensure the legal awareness of citizens of the Central Election Commission in the period before the election produces normative documents and literature concerning the election, containing the basic requirements of the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, also includes a brief explanation of the of legal norms relating to the organization of elections.

Created all necessary conditions for the people who came to vote on all kinds of  elections in Turkmenistan.


Central Election Committee of Turkmenistan.