Issues of democratization of society’s life - is one of the important directions of the reform policy of the President of Turkmenistan. In our country there are developing national legal norms. In this regard, there are consistently implemented systematic works by the democratization of society. This is proved the fact that the various socio-political events holding in Neutral Turkmenistan are corresponding to the level of developed countries.

In general, what is an election campaign? The election campaign - is the period for carrying out the work on the preparation and holding of elections, established by the relevant election commission in the manner prescribed by law. The election campaign in Turkmenistan is carried out on the basis of free and equal nomination of candidates, as well as in the implementation of openness, freedom of campaigning, and equal opportunities for all candidates.

Elections are appointed by the Mejlis of Turkmenistan not later than three months before the expiration of the term of office of the President of Turkmenistan, deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, members of the halk maslahaty and the Gengesh. The Central Commission for holding of elections and referendums in Turkmenistan, not later than seventy days before Election Day or a national referendum, announces the start of an election campaign. The preparation and holding of elections and referendums are provided by election commissions formed in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan.

Polling stations are formed no later than forty-five days before Election Day, referendum.

In elections are also formed election districts. According to the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, electoral districts are formed by the relevant election commissions no later than seventy days before the Election Day.

In the elections of the President of Turkmenistan, the territory of Turkmenistan - is one constituency.

In the elections of deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan there are formed 125 constituencies with approximately equal numbers of voters.

In the elections of members of the velayat halk maslahaty there are formed 40, and in the elections of members of etrap, town halk maslahaty - 20 constituencies in the respective territory with an approximately equal number of voters.

For the election of members of the Gengesh there are formed 5−15 constituencies in the relevant territory with approximately equal number of voters.

Voter lists are compiled by the precinct election commission. The voter list includes citizens who have the right to vote and residing in the territory of the relevant polling station.

According to the Constitution and the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, the right to nominate candidates belongs to the political parties registered before the day of the election, as well as to groups of citizens. Nomination of candidates starts sixty days and ends thirty days before the elections.

Candidate registration starts fifty days and ends twenty-five days before the elections.

To registered candidates there are created conditions for campaigning according to the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan.

In elections holding in our country, all candidates registered in this constituency are included to the ballot, indicating the last name (in alphabetical order), name, patronymic, place of work, position (occupation) of each candidate. The ballot – is the written evidence of the will of the voter.

Each voter votes personally; voting for other person is not allowed. Citizens, who have the right to vote, during the elections, enjoy their active voting rights.

There are three ways to vote in elections holding in Turkmenistan: early voting, voting during elections and voting outside the polling station.

The relevant election commission draws up a protocol about the election results for each electoral district. The election results are announced by the election commission after the minutes are drawn up. A candidate is considered elected, if he receives more than half of the votes casting in the elections.

Expenses for the preparation and holding of elections in Turkmenistan are financed by the State Budget of Turkmenistan.

The goal of the elections holding in our Neutral Homeland consist acquiring to citizens of provisions to participate in the work of governing the state with the help of true democracy or through the authorities.


Annadursun Meskutova,

leading Specialist of the Organizational Department of Central Election Commission for holding Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan.