Every year in our country is widely celebrated International Children's Day. In accordance with the Decree of the distinguished President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, this day was included in the number of official holiday dates. And this proves that the ongoing policy of Neutral Turkmenistan, which has turned into a country of happy children, is fully consistent with universal human values ​​and principles. The policy pursued by the national leader for the younger generation is devoted to the comprehensive care of the happy future of children. And taking care of children at the state level - the formation of the main sprouts in them, the moral values ​​of the individual, ensures the full manifestation of vitality and dedication, helps to form in them a sense of responsibility not only for themselves, for their relatives, but for the whole society. In our country, there have been created all necessary conditions, aimed at awakening children's interest in various professions, manifestations of abilities.

Through the centuries, formed original traditions, true principles of family education and the popular mentorship of the Turkmen, passing from generation to generation, have reached the present day. The noble and warm attitude towards children today determines the social and mental health of society. And this ensures not only the harmonious growth of the younger generation, but also provides an opportunity for the consistent perfection of moral and family values ​​proven by thousands of years.

In our national legislation, special importance is given to provision of the children's rights. The adoption of international legal documents, including the Law of Turkmenistan "On state guarantees of the rights of the child", the signing of important UN conventions and protocols relating to this area, says that our country is on a par with the whole world.

In our country, taking care of children is considered one of the holy things. Caring for children, carried out at the state level, is assessed as a reliable investment to the future.