In our country, particular importance is attached to the implementation of generally accepted international documents. This is fully evident in the observance of the democratic conditions noted in international documents concerning women.

Constantly kept on the center of attention the fulfillment of the obligations arising from the content of one of the important documents adopted by the United Nations, the “Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women”, as well as documents of meetings of Human Dimension Conference Security organization and Cooperation in Europe, held in different years in Copenhagen, Moscow and Istanbul.

In accordance with the Constitution of Turkmenistan, the observance in our country of the equal rights of men and women is an important part of public life based on the principles of democracy and justice. The active participation of women in the political life of our country is widely organized. The fact that women hold authoritative positions in government, and even more so their activity in electoral events, demonstrates that Turkmenistan guarantees the rights of women and shows special respect for them. The ability of the Turkmen people to great respect for the sanctity of women is particularly emphasized in the book of the President of Arkadag “Worshipping mother - worshipping a sacred person”.

If you pay attention to the fact that since 2007 a woman has been working as the Chairperson of the representative legislative authority, and also that women work as leaders in other industries, you are convinced that in the country based on democratic principles all conditions have been created to protect the rights of women.

If you pay attention to the indicators of elections held recently, you can see that women in Turkmenistan actively participate in various events held in the country, including elections. For example, a clear confirmation of this is that at the elections held on March 25, 2018, among registered candidates for deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan 26.02%, members of the velayat Halk maslahaty and the city of Ashgabat 24.13%,  members of etrap, city Halk maslahaty 33.97% and members of the Gengeshes 28.98% were women.

In accordance with the election results held on March 25, 2018, 24.80% of the elected deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, 20.42% of the elected members of the velayat Halk maslahaty and the city of Ashgabat, 26.00% of the elected members of the Halk maslahaty of etraps, cities, 22, 05% of the elected members of the Gengeshes were women, and this is an indicator that in our country are fully ensured the democratic conditions specified in the international documents concerning women.

If you pay attention to the qualitative composition of national observers nominated at the elections from the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan, the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Party of Turkmenistan, the Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan, the Trade Unions of Turkmenistan, the Women's Union of Turkmenistan, the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly and groups of citizens, as well as observers nominated by candidates, registered by the relevant election commissions, out of 4072 people 47.79% are women, and this indicates the fact that internationally adopted documents as well as other democratic principles are consistently implemented in our country.

A large indicator of the number of women in elections among candidates, national observers, members of election commissions elected to relevant representative bodies, at the same time, the nomination of women’s representatives to the composition of election commissions or national observers by the relevant bodies of the Women's Union of Turkmenistan again fully testifies, that in electoral matters great attention is paid to gender equality.