It should be noted with pride that in an era of power and happiness, on the basis of the far-sighted and wise state policy of the respected President, Independent, constantly Neutral Turkmenistan, promoting peace, friendship, fraternity and humanity throughout the world, has chosen internationally recognized and aimed at protecting rights and citizen freedoms in a democratic way.

The fact that Independent Turkmenistan in the recent history of the world became the first Neutral state recognized by the United Nations is an outstanding achievement of Turkmen diplomacy. And, thanks to the unprecedented efforts of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the proclamation of the UN on December 12 as the International Day of Neutrality, becoming a wonderful holiday of the peace-loving policies of our Motherland, has received a worldwide response. On February 2, 2017, the United Nations General Assembly at its 71st session adopted a resolution declaring December 12 as International Day of Neutrality. Resolutions of the General Assembly of December 12, 1995 and June 3, 2015 call on Member States of the United Nations to respect and maintain this legal status of Turkmenistan, as well as respect for its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. It is very gratifying that these norms are clearly  reflected in life.

The fact that permanent Neutrality is the basis of the domestic and foreign policy of our country occupies a special place in the Constitution of Turkmenistan. The second article of the Basic Law stipulates “Turkmenistan has the status of permanent neutrality recognized by the international community and fixed on the basis of the law.” Our state is the only country in the world that has written this Resolution in its Basic Law.

In the year “Turkmenistan - Homeland of Neutrality”, the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the UN General Assembly Resolution “Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan” is widely celebrated. Since gaining Independence, Turkmenistan has chosen a policy of permanent Neutrality, which originates from the sources of our national identity, as the basis of its foreign policy.

The international policy of our country, based on the status of permanent Neutrality, is a political model of directing friendly relations to universal human development. The principle of neutrality of such a policy is an ideal way to strengthen national unity, strengthen the peace of society and strengthen the peaceful life of all mankind. And this speaks of the ancient tradition of the peacefulness of the state, pursuing a policy of neutrality and a positive worldview of the nation. Today, the successes achieved by Neutral Turkmenistan in international cooperation over the past few years, the enormous work done and the high level achieved, delight our people, inspire them to work creatively, to new achievements.

As you know, on January 14 this year on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s permanent neutrality, the international conference “Turkmenistan and International Organizations: Cooperation for Peace and Development” was held under the chairmanship of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. At the opening of this meeting, our President noted that “our country, being a supporter of bilateral as well as multilateral cooperation, at various levels, especially within the framework of international organizations, consistently carries out and solves problems of great importance for present and future generations.” Respect for the sovereignty of other countries is based on the wise principles of this policy. The reasonable foundations of such a policy form the patriotism of society, the devotion of the people to their homeland and fair morality. For neutrality is the power of the political position of society. The international legal system is a legal means of giving successful initiatives global legal status. And this is an example of how the principles of neutrality are unanimously supported between the peoples of the world and fully supported from the international legal point of view.

Our President, saying the following: “Turkmenistan has become a reliable and effective UN partner in maintaining political stability in the region, developing good neighborliness, friendship and cooperation. And this, with the support of the states of the region, was adopted in 2007 by a decision of the international community on the opening of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia in Ashgabat, ” he gave an appropriate assessment of the role of our people and country.

As a result of the policy of humanitarian, friendly and wide international cooperation, carried out by the respected President, based on positive permanent neutrality, the international authority of our country is increasing. Throughout the historical past, our dear Homeland has proved that a high level of progress can be achieved through effective relations in world politics based on mutual trust and respect.

Turkmenistan actively participated in the meetings of the UN General Assembly and was elected vice-chairman of several of them. The nomination by the Head of State at the meetings of the UN General Assembly and other high-level forums of a number of fruitful initiatives and the ardent support that these initiatives find in the world community cause pride among our people. The adoption on the initiative of the distinguished President in September 2019 at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly of the Resolution “2021 is the International Year of Peace and Confidence”, was another triumph of the high international authority of our Neutral Homeland.

Let the authority of our dear Fatherland in the world become even higher!

May every day of the Turkmen people living a prosperous life, as a result of capacious deeds initiated by the wisdom of our Arcadag, be decorated with joyful events and successes.

We wish the distinguished President good health, long life, good luck in business for the benefit of the people!


Jahan Orazova, 
clerk in the city of Ashgabat apparatus
of the Commission for holding Elections and referendums inTurkmenistan