On September 27 this year, our country celebrates the 29th anniversary of state Independence. This holiday is the main holiday of our Homeland.

The happy, enthusiastic citizens of our Independent, permanently Neutral Turkmenistan are going to celebrate their best holiday - the sacred Independence Day with great prosperity.

As a result of the foresight and prudent initiatives of our President during the years of Independence, which brought the Turkmen people to independence and freedom, our country has made great strides in all spheres, and the prestige has risen internationally.

The Turkmen people express their will and take responsibility for their destiny and striving to implement the right of nations to determine their destiny, Turkmenistan’s state sovereignty, declared 29 years ago.

The Independence of our Homeland has become the pride of the people. In addition to that,  Independence has become a clear symbol of happiness, statehood, unity, and solidarity.

The positive results of the sharp talent, tireless hard work, broad outlook, and international initiatives of our National Leader are reflected more clearly in the prosperous period of our Sovereign State. Our people living in this prosperous age regards Independence as a very important national value.

Based on our independent state, as a legal state, our country has made historic achievements in the development of our national values, the legal system, democracy, and human rights-based on international principles.

Turkmenistan carries out large-scale activities to strengthen the legal framework and policies. In recent years, corresponding to the interests of the people, the adoption of most important laws and other regulatory legal acts stand as clear proof for this.

As we know, the initiative to improve the Basic Law of our Independent Motherland has been put forward based on the humane leadership of our esteemed President.

As a result of this state initiative, the drafting of the Constitutional Law of Turkmenistan “On Amendments and Additions to the Constitution of Turkmenistan” and its publication in the press has been an important event for the benefit of the people and the country in the political life of our state.

Also, dear President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution of the Constitutional Commission on the approval of the draft Constitutional Law of Turkmenistan “On Amendments and Additions to the Constitution of Turkmenistan” and on its submission to the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan.

In his profound speech about this initiative, which is taking a decisive step towards the heights of perfection, the national Leader stated: «The main purpose of our reforms is to improve the work of the representative bodies of the government that will serve the interests of our society and the state, which consists in improving the work of the Halk Maslahaty and the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, the creation of a bicameral structure of the legislative bodies, and the promotion of the work of democratic institutions to a higher level».

Today, our independent state is prosperously developing friendly relations and fruitful cooperation with reputable international organizations and states. This in itself is based on the independent foreign policy of Turkmenistan’s friendliness and the wide support around the world shows that recognition.

We wish our esteemed President health, long life, continued success in great deeds for the good of the people and the country!


Annadursun Meskutova,
chief specialist of the apparatus of the Central commission
for holding elections and referendums in Turkmenistan.