In our independent, permanent Neutral country, under the leadership of our esteemed President, much attention is paid to further democratizing our society and improving the functioning of the electoral system.

In our country, the list of voters is one of the main documents for conducting democratic elections in our country. In this regard, we decided to provide an expanded concept of the list of voters and their types.

A voter list is a list of eligible citizens who live in a particular polling station. Voter lists are compiled by precinct election commissions. Voter lists and the procedure for compiling them are regulated in accordance with articles 41, 42 and 43 of the Electoral code of Turkmenistan. During elections and referendums in our country, voter lists are compiled in the following order.

The list of voters is drawn up for each polling station and signed by the Chairman of the precinct election Commission and the Secretary. The precinct election Commission may also involve members of the public in drawing up voter lists. If there is more than one constituency in a district, the list of voters is compiled separately for each constituency. An example of this is the election of members of Gengeshes.

The total number of voters included in the voter list should not exceed two thousand in each electoral district.

The electoral list is based on international experience in two ways:

– the list is printed on paper;

– electronic list registry).

Printing on paper - a list of voters that is compiled on a computer. Paper printing is one of the most commonly used methods. Today, this form of voter registration is used in elections in our country. In connection with the transition to a digital system, the international experience of switching to an electronic form of voter registration is being studied.

An electronic register is an electronic form of a list of voters. In the electronic register, lists are stored on computers, and at certain times information about voters is updated by the relevant agencies.

In our country, several types of voter lists are used in elections:

– general list of voters;

– additional list of voters.

The General list of voters includes citizens of Turkmenistan who have reached the age of eighteen (including election day) before election day, who are constantly or frequently (at least three months before the election date) present on the territory of that polling station and have the right to vote.

Additional voter lists include voters who are not included in the General voter list for some reason.

Each voter can be included in the list of voters at only one polling station. If there is evidence that the same voter is listed in several lists, the relevant election Commission must immediately take measures to correct this inaccuracy.

Information about a voter is determined on the basis of their passport confirming their permanent residence and registration on the territory of Turkmenistan.

A passport issued by the state migration service of Turkmenistan for departure and arrival in Turkmenistan is not included in the list of documents related to the voter's place of residence.

However, at polling stations established by diplomatic missions and consulates of Turkmenistan abroad, voters can be included in the list of voters on the basis of a passport issued by the Migration service for departure and return to Turkmenistan.

If military personnel serving in military units live on the territory of military units of voters, as well as family members of other military personnel and other voters, the list of voters is compiled on the basis of information provided by the commanders of military units. Military personnel who live outside the territory of military units are included in the list of voters at their location.

The list of voters is compiled on the basis of information provided by the heads of these institutions in sanatoriums and rest homes, inpatient institutions, in places where people are subjected to administrative coercion or criminal prosecution. In these cases, only citizens who live at the relevant polling station are included in the list of voters.

Citizens of Turkmenistan residing abroad are included in the electoral lists at polling stations located near the diplomatic missions of Turkmenistan.

Familiarization of citizens with the lists of voters. The list of voters at a polling station is provided for public inspection no later than fifteen days before the day of elections or referendums, and at polling stations established in sanatoriums and rest homes, inpatient medical institutions, places of detention of persons who have been subjected to administrative coercion or criminal procedural restraint, at diplomatic missions of Turkmenistan- no later than five days before the day of elections or referendums.

Every citizen has the right to appeal against non-inclusion, incorrect inclusion in the list or exclusion, incorrect inclusion in the list or exclusion from the list, as well as inaccuracies in the list of voter data. The application on these issues is considered by the precinct election Commission, which is obliged to immediately review the application, make the necessary corrections to the list, or give the applicant a copy of the reasoned decision to reject his application no later than within two days, and on the eve and on the day of elections or referendums.

Article 72 of the Electoral code of Turkmenistan, entitled "Voting", states:  "a voter who receives a ballot puts it on the list of voters".

In case of re-election or voting, the election is held on the basis of the list of voters drawn up for the General election. After the official announcement of the election results, the list of voters is sent to the relevant etrap and city election Commission.

In order to ensure that elections are held in our country on the basis of organized and democratic principles, the Central election Commission approved the "Regulation on the procedure for compiling and using the voter list".

In elections held in our country, precinct election commissions actively, competently and lawfully perform their duties. This is clear evidence that the elections in our independent, permanently Neutral Turkmenistan are held in an organized and democratic manner.


Jahan Orazova, 
clerk in the city of Ashgabat apparatus
of the Commission for holding Elections and referendums inTurkmenistan