The Permanent Neutrality has a very broad range of role for the Turkmen people. For example, the modernization of our state is inextricably linked with the doctrine of permanent Neutrality. This is reflected in the national programs of our esteemed President. The successful implementation of these programs has a positive effect on ensuring peace and security all over the world as well as for global development. At this point, the principles of humanism for the turkmen Neutrality has a very important role. To strengthen this point, there was a speech of our esteemed Leader on February 11, 2020, during the meeting with the deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan where it was clearly stated: “Neutrality is our great heritage. Its value is recognized by the international community. It is a doctrine that ensures the triumph of peace and friendship, humanism and goodwill, cooperation, and progress.”

As a permanently Neutral state, our country is not only committed to its international obligations but also makes a worthy contribution to the development of international law. International cooperation of Turkmenistan in the field of energy and transport testifies to the great contribution from our country to the development of international law. The international political and economic initiatives of our national Leader can be a case in point for this. It should be emphasized that the UN General Assembly adopted the relevant resolutions: in 2008 and 2013 “Reliable and stable transit of energy and its role in ensuring sustainable development and international cooperation”, and in 2014 “Role of transport and transit corridors in ensuring international cooperation for sustainable development”, in 2017, “Strengthening the links between all modes of transport to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals”.

The legal status of the permanent Neutrality of our country has particular importance in the adoption of international documents for the projection of international transport corridors as well as the development of complex transport and transit systems which reflect the security aspects for the transit of energy resources.