Commemoration of National Heroes is one of the ancient noble traditions of the Turkmen people.

On the occasion of the Victory of Great Patriotic War 1941-1945, bouquets are laid at the monument of «Eternal Glory» of «People's Memory» memorial complex and in etraps, villages in remembrance of true heroes and in honor of the sons of the Homeland who went to the battlefield.

As our esteemed President described in his magnificent work «Courageous uplifts the Homeland»: «Patriotism is the depth of the springs and rivers in our mountains, it is the tranquility of the blue space of our sea, sky and the Earth. All this is our Homeland, our inaccessible values».

This historical most violent war of the last century was also a very severe test for the Turkmen people along with all other nations which led to irreparable losses.

The unparalleled bravery of our national heroes is a great example of how to serve the Homeland and makes each of us committed to their victorious paths. The father of our Hero Arkadag Berdymuhammed Annayev voluntarily defended the Homeland along with his comrades-in-arms who responded strongly to the enemy so that mankind could live in peace. During the years of the Great Patriotic War, representatives of the Turkmen people and our brave compatriots of the multinational fraternal peoples became the recipients of high state awards, demonstrating the great example of bravery and heroism in the fierce battles against the enemy.

Following the example of our brave ancestors who went to war, Turkmen women set a great example of loyalty, maintained the well-being of their families, raised their sons and daughters, worked day and night for the honor and freedom of the Homeland, it is noteworthy that they handed over nearly 7,400 kilograms of gold and silver ornaments to the Defense Fund and expressed their noble humanity and unbreakable will. Turkmenistan is carrying out systematic work to strengthen global peace, develop brotherhood and humanitarian relations in our country under the leadership of our National Leader.

Our esteemed President emphasizes that Victory Day is of great importance by promoting peace-loving, friendly and brotherly views of mankind in our country.

Valuable gifts are presented to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, as well as to the wives of those who died in the war on the occasion of Victory Day on May 9 every year by our esteemed President who adheres to the wisdom of our people namely «Respected courageous –

is fortitude». Numerous social benefits are being created in our country for war and labor veterans in newly built and renovated resting homes, resorts and hospitals.

Although many years have passed since those cruel years, the heroism, courage, and bravery of the heroes who stood up for the protection of the Homeland are forever etched in the memory and hearts of happy generations. As for our happy present descendants, they bow and rejoice with all their heart to the work our brave compatriots have done for the whole of humanity, heroic deeds of their warfare, and all their heartfelt hard work.

Congratulations to our esteemed President who is doing great work for the peaceful development of our country in creating the model school of educating future generations in the spirit of patriotism, we wish him to live a long life, and may his great deeds for the benefit of the nation be nourished with prosperity!