The ingenuity, loyalty of our ancestors, who lived in the fold of the Old Earth, is sacred to us and a precious heritage of gold. Our esteemed President, the ancient principles of our forefathers are in line with the requirements of the modern developed world. 

Our hero Arkadag's foreign policy of universal importance, which follows the noble principles of humanity, friendship, brotherhood and trust with the states of the world, has been supported by the member states of the United Nations. As an example, it should be noted that with the proclamation of the United Nations General Assembly, the year 2021 is being held under the slogan "International Year of Peace and Trust". Launched on the initiative of our Hero Arkadag and unanimously supported by the United Nations member states, this proposal has emerged as an urgent need in the modern world, in the field of international relations. 

Known as the Motherland of peace and trust in the world, our beloved Motherland has made concrete initiatives to strengthen peace and further strengthen friendly and brotherly relations between peoples. The peace-loving foreign policy pursued by our national Leader is finding a positive response in the world community. The socio-economic policy of our state, which has great economic potential, which is nourished by development in all spheres, is of great interest in the world. This is clearly evidenced by the conversation between the President and the journalist of the "Mir" interstate broadcasting company. During the talks, the national Leader also spoke about the prospects of cooperation with the Commonwealth of Independent States and the countries of the Eurasian Economic union, as well as the level of Neutrality of our beloved Motherland. As noted by our Hero Arkadag, during the years of Independence, programs aimed at developing the economy of Turkmenistan and its integration into the world economic space were implemented. 

Today we are moving forward in our country by creating a society based on a new industrial structure. At the same time, we are developing other strategic areas of the national economy, such as energy, transport, communications, agro-industrial complex, financial and banking system. 

The President noted that the powerful social policy of our country had become a distinctive feature of our developed path. As it known, more than 70 percent of the state budget is spent on living expenses and improving living standards. New housing, schools and kindergartens, health facilities are being built on a regular basis in all parts of the country. Under the leadership of our Hero President, the amount of salaries, pensions, state benefits, student salaries in our country is increased by 10 percent every year. 

Textile industry products are exported to world markets. As a result of prudent state policy, food security has been achieved in our country. As a result of the creation of the necessary conditions for scientific and technological development by our national Leader, the national satellite of the Earth has been launched into space. As a result, great opportunities have emerged for the establishment of a telecommunications system in line with world standards. 

Extensive digitalization of all sectors of the economy is in full swing. Work in this regard is being carried out on a programmatic, phased basis. 

Turkmenistan is one of the most dynamically developing countries in the world in terms of GDP growth. According to the World Bank, our country has become one of the most profitable countries in the world. This is the result of the wise policy of the Head of state. The recent awarding of our esteemed President with the gold medal of the "Mir" Interstate TV and radio company was a further reflection of the growing international prestige of our dear Motherland. 

At the meeting of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan on September 25, this year, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the sacred independence the profound speech of our beloved President on the basis of concrete evidence of great progress and achievements in all spheres over the past 30 years since the independence of our country has also revealed to the world the great achievements of the powerful Turkmen state. 

May the life of our Hero Arkadag, who has made our Independent, eternally Neutral Motherland, which has tremendous potential, a place of great progress based on democratic principles, be long and prosperous! 


Jennet Saparova, 
chief specialist of Organizational management of apparatus
of the Commission for holding Elections and referendums in Turkmenistan.