As a result of the unprecedented efforts of the Head of State, who does everything for the peaceful and harmonious life of our united people, great success and achievements have been achieved in our country in all sectors. Under the wise leadership of our esteemed President, every day of the Revival of a new era of the Sovereign State is filled with great deeds for the benefit of the people and the country, inspiring historical events, joyful celebrations.

Every year on the last Sunday of May, the Day of the Turkmen Carpet is celebrated in unity and with enthusiasm in our sacred Homeland. Carpet Day, exhibitions organized to promote carpet–makers' needlework in the world, awarding honorary titles, as well as state awards - all this is the result of our esteemed President's attention to the development of the art of carpet weaving. That is why, today, the gratitude of every carpet-maker to our esteemed President is endless.

As our esteemed President wisely noted: "The Turkmen national art of carpet weaving is included in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Mankind. This fine art occupies a worthy place in the education of the younger generation and the development of our ancient craft. In this regard, work will continue on enriching carpets with new ornaments and patterns, fully satisfying the requests of local and foreign buyers," and this indicates that the noble work aimed at the development of carpet weaving continues.

Turkmen carpets are famous all over the world for their unique beauty, durability and high quality, which amazes those who see them. These carpets reflect the glorious past of our people, their bright hopes for a happy future, benevolence and peacefulness. Our fine art of carpet weaving, rooted in the depths of history, is of great interest to scientists, travelers and artists around the world.

As you know, the wonderful works of our esteemed Arkadag "Living Legend", "Heavenly Beauty", as well as "The Source of Wisdom" celebrating the unique traditions of carpet weaving, the beauty of Turkmen carpets, are a great contribution to the valuable cause of popularizing the ancient traditions of the national carpet art. We are pleased that the proverbs of the book "The Source of Wisdom" mention such carpet products as carpet and kilim. As an example, the following proverbs can be cited: "At – ýigidiň – diregi, haly - gyzy - ýüregi", "Haly-ýüwürdip, kilim kesme".

Turkmen women and girls put their heartfelt dreams, tenderness and radiance into the mysterious patterns. They skillfully and subtly used all the colors available in nature to describe the beauty of nature, deserts, mountains, plains and meadows. Thus, in the semantic content of ornaments, in the choice of artistic solutions, unique colors are formed. The variety of these solutions is countless, some of them calm, some awaken observation, others melody, celebration, celebration, the third – curiosity, multifaceted solutions that expand the imagination.

The image of beautiful carpets entered our folk art through poetic lines. They are reflected in the lala, hoodie, monjuk atdy, riddles, proverbs and wisdom of the fathers. These works opened a new look at the Turkmen carpet of hand-made carpet weaving as a rich source of high art, as well as spiritual and material culture.

The lines from the book of our esteemed Arkadag "Living Legend": "What else is rich in our state – these are beautiful carpets, equated to unique artistic creations ..." a worthy assessment of the Turkmen carpet art.

Carpet ornaments adorn the sacred national flag of our country and are an integral part of the architectural decoration. The Turkmen carpet is an art originating from the abundant source of the Turkmen soul, it is an art formed from the generosity of women's hearts, radiance in the heart.

Wonderful Turkmen carpets are a wonderful remedy for the spiritual world of our people, pleasant as maternal love. Because when you look at him, the spiritual world finds peace, your heart is filled with love and you open up.

Carpet art is constantly developing in our beloved Homeland. The industry is supported by the state and special attention is paid to the development of carpet weaving, which creates ample opportunities for this beautiful elegance to be visible to the whole world. As you know, on December 12, 2019, during the 14th session of the UN Intergovernmental Committee for the Preservation of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Organization for Education, Science and Culture in the capital of the Republic of Colombia, Bogota on the initiative of Turkmenistan, the member states of the Committee unanimously decided to include the Turkmen national carpet art in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Mankind. And this is a vivid proof that the beautiful carpets created by the miracle of the skill of Turkmen women are recognized by the world community as a wonderful monument of art.

Our esteemed President is making great efforts to further enhance the prestige of Turkmen carpets and continue this beautiful art. Our beautiful carpets have become our national pride. The Turkmen carpet is the spiritual state of our people, because the carpet lives in the soul of our people.

Let the sound of the weaving combs of Turkmen carpet weavers be heard even in the year declared “The era of the people with Arkadag”!

May the bright stages under the leadership of the esteemed President, whose heart is filled with love for our national values, respect for the glorious path of our fathers, pass quickly! We wish our esteemed President, who has made unprecedented efforts for a happy life for our people, health, longevity, success in great deeds for the benefit of the people and country!

Happy Turkmen Carpet Day, dear compatriots!


Jennet Saparova, 
chief specialist of Organizational management of apparatus of the Commission for holding Elections and referendums in Turkmenistan.