On September 1st, educational centers of the country - higher, secondary and secondary vocational schools opened their doors widely. Education and student youth’s day is celebrated in our country, and this wonderful event was the continuation of the holidays of the year of "The era of the people with Arkadag". We sincerely congratulate the President of Turkmenistan and all turkmen people on the occasion of this remarkable holiday. 

At the Powerful period of new era of the Sovereign state modernizing the education system in the country under the wise leadership of our esteemed President of Turkmenistan, and achieving the content and quality of the education provided to the young generation in accordance with the advanced international requirements, is the main goal of education workers. 

Based on such noble principles, to educate the youth who are a happy future of us, deep love and boundless loyalty to our motherland, our brave people, and to our esteemed President, in order to further promote of high-speed developments, the first lesson dedicated to the beginning of the 2022-2023 academic year is being held in secondary schools of general education, secondary vocational and higher educational institutions of the country under the name "The era of the people with Arkadag". 

Educational staff worthily continuing the patriotism, humanism, teaching-methodological principles of the patriotic soldier, master teacher Berdimuhamet Annayev, the loyal son of the Motherland, Malikguly Berdimuhamedov, they are devoted to providing modern education to youth, educating them in the national spirit, and training them to be masters of the perfect profession. 

Our esteemed President noting that: "Every effort will be made to improve the national education system, educate highly qualified and trained youth who are capable of managing innovative technologies with broad vision, purposefulness, and high scientific potential", implements work to strengthen the foundation of the science and education system at the Powerful period of new era of the Sovereign state. The increase in the number of youth admitted to higher and secondary vocational schools of the country in the new academic year is a clear manifestation of this. 

One of the main goals is to provide all stages of education in the country with high-quality electronic educational information, to enriching the content of education provided in educational institutions by using of digital resources, and to improve its quality is one of the main objectives. Currently, specific measures are being taken in the country to improve the national education and science system, to introduce the latest equipment, and to modernize the relevant infrastructure. 

Within the framework of these measures, the adoption of the planned version of the Law of Turkmenistan "On Education" was of great importance in improving the education system in the country. This Law regulates the legal basis of public relations in the field of education. The basic principles of the state policy in the field of education, as well as the goals of the education system, defines its functions, services and management of its business. 

Large-scale reforms are being implemented so that the young generation in the country can get modern education, learn skills, become well-mannered people, loyal to the Motherland and the ways of our people, and become patriots. As a result of our esteemed President's efforts, effective work is being carried out to improve the education system in our country, to ensure that its quality meets the world level, and to widely introduce innovative technologies. 

Following the original tradition, every year, computers are given as a gift to school pupils who take their first step into the world of science. This testifies to the fact that all efforts are being made so that our happy generation can enjoy our Motherland, our wonderful life, and study with determination for our great future. 

May our esteemed President’s and Hero Arkadag’s lives who take great care in the modernization of the education system in the country will be healthy, long, and may their works for benefit to our country and world-important works are always prosper! 

May the new 2022-2023 academic year, which begins with great hopes based on the great initiatives of our esteemed President for the country and the general public, be fruitful and prosperous! 


Allanur Gokjayev, 
chief specialist of Organizational management of apparatus of the Commission for holding Elections and referendums in Turkmenistan.