Under the reasonable leadership of our esteemed President at the Powerful period of new era of the Sovereign state every day of our high spirit people turned into prosperity, our holidays go to holiday. The year of "The era of the people with Arkadag" is devoted to historical events and significant dates. September 22 is also an important date in our calendar, and it is the birthday of esteemed President, who confidently leads our people on the path of eternal happiness to a bright future in the new historical epoch, and continues the noble initiatives of our Hero Arkadag. Our people celebrate this wonderful day with joy and feasts. 

As we know, on February 11, 2022, at the session of Halk Maslahaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, which was held under the leadership of our Hero Arkadag, the strategic directions of socio-economic development of our country were determined. "The Powerful period of new era of the Sovereign state: National program of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052" was adopted, which was well received by our people. Also, at that session our Hero Arkadag emphasized the importance of our future being connected with the youth.  Great confidence in the youth was evident at the session of Halk Maslahaty. 

As our Hero Arkadag pointed out: "The youth are the realization of all our hopes and dreams for the future. In the new stage of our country's development, I prefer to give way to young leaders who have been formed on the basis of modern spiritual conditions and high demands in state administration." He emphasized that the older generation should help the younger generation in following the right path and loving the Motherland, and our young people should take an example from the elders. In this regard, on March 12 of this year, an important socio-political event, which is of decisive importance in the life of our country and people was held - the elections of the President of Turkmenistan. 

The elections of the President of Turkmenistan were held on the basis of competition in accordance with our democratic principles from our ancestors, the Constitution of Turkmenistan, the Electoral code, our national laws, and generally recognized international norms. In this elections, Serdar Gurbangulyevich Berdimuhamedov was elected as the President of Turkmenistan with 72.97% of the votes among nine candidates. 

In the social and political life of the country, the integration of the people and the state is the main starting point of all developments and progress. 

"A Motherland is a Motherland only with its people!" A state is a state only with its people!" said our esteemed President, and in achieving its goals, it relies primarily on our people, their unity and integrity, their understanding and courage. That's why, today the hearts of every turkmen citizen living in our happy Motherland are full of heartfelt applause and gratitude to our esteemed President. 

The characteristic features of today's turkmen society - its unwavering unity, the integrity of the state and society, and the strong consolidation of the people around of their esteemed President - are conditioned by this. These characteristics are based on the general understanding of the concepts of Independence and Neutrality, spiritual values, historical and cultural heritage and national traditions. As a result, civil harmony and social peace are firmly established in the country, and friendship and spirit prevail. 

During the Powerful period of new era of the Sovereign state the efforts of our esteemed President for the happiness of our people today and for the bright future life are invaluable. The internal and foreign policy of the country makes Independent, permanently Neutral Turkmenistan a more powerful state. In this regard, the noble policy of our Motherland is based on the experience of our wise fathers who always consider the dreams and thoughts of the people. 

It is a proud occasion to note that during the years of Independence, our Motherland Turkmenistan was among the stable developing countries. As it is said, "The state that builds is strong", today Turkmenistan is considered to be a strong state that is building its happy future. 

Today, our country is widely recognized in the world as a democratic, legal and secular state. Turkmenistan has become a venue for international conferences, forums, exhibitions and other important events. This informs that the international prestige of our dear Country is increasing under the leadership of our esteemed President who continues the reasonable path of our Hero Arkadag, every new initiative is supported by major international organizations, and as a result, Turkmenistan is recognized as a peace-loving state by various international organizations. 

In the Basic Law of Independent Turkmenistan says that "the highest value of the society and the state in Turkmenistan is a human."  The large-scale reforms that are being implemented in the country under the leadership of our esteemed President clearly show that the principles of democracy, humanitarianism and justice, which form the basis of the country's domestic and foreign policy are being implemented in reality. 

A new level of development under the leadership of our esteemed President, in the Powerful period of new era of the Sovereign state in accordance with the Program of socio-economic development of our country in 2022-2028, along with ensuring socio-economic development of Turkmenistan, great works are being done to strengthen people's power, democratize political and social life, effective functioning of state power and administrative bodies, human rights and freedoms. 

Our esteemed President initiates intensive activities, carrying out fundamental reforms in the country in all areas, further improve the living conditions of the people, strengthen and promote well-being, to ensure a bright future for generations. 

We heartily congratulate our esteemed President on the occasion of his birthday on this festive and joyous days. May our esteemed President's life will be long, healthy, may his life be safe, and may his honor be high! Let the works for country and people are always be prosperous! 


Ogulnyyaz Mammetnurova, 
leading specialist of Organizational management of apparatus of the Commission for holding Elections and referendums in Turkmenistan.