In our Independent, permanently Neutral Turkmenistan the Independence day, which is the main holiday in our country of is getting closer. Our nation, celebrating the statehood with great labor achievements and remarkable events, is taking a confident step towards a happy future. It is important for each of us to realize the material and spiritual resources that have been acquired and are being acquired during the years of independence, as well as the political, socio-economic, and cultural reforms of various colors that are being implemented. Because, Independence gave us the opportunity to realize the dreams of our ancestors to become an independent state, to restore our centuries-old national and spiritual values, as well as our cherished humanitarian traditions. 

For every turkmen, there is nothing more important than his Motherland. Our dear country has achieved the happiness that our people have dreamed of for many years – Independence. Independence is a dream that our people have carried in their hearts for centuries. Yes, this sacred dream came true in the golden autumn of 1991. An independent state - Turkmenistan was created in our Motherland. Independence brought happiness to the turkmen people. Turkmen people are happy and proud of their sacred independence and praise it from above. Independence is the great happiness of the people, the exalted destiny, the high recognition of the nation in the rule of the nation, and the core of all our successes. 

Independence is the era dreamed of by our poet Magtymguly Pyragy saying «Ber­ka­rar döw­let is­lä­rin». 

After gaining independence, Turkmenistan adopted the Basic Law - the Constitution. The Basic Law of the country is the main document in ensuring the political, economic, social rights and freedoms of a person. The recognition of human rights and interests, the most valuable treasure of the society and the state, brought the protection of human rights and freedoms in Turkmenistan fully in line with international standards. 

The sacred principle of building, creating, and benefiting of our brave people, which has a proud history of five thousand years, and which is embedded in the national spirit, is more appreciated in the year of "the Era of the People with Arkadag". Every day that brings our dear nation closer to the 31st anniversary of our great Independence, which is the foundation of the happy life, writes golden pages in the glorious history of the Powerful period of new era of the Sovereign state. 

As a democratic, legal and secular state, Turkmenistan has chosen the classic path. Independence gave our country the opportunity to express its political views as a full-fledged member of international relations, which today is reflected in the world from the highest rostrums. 

Today's happiness and glory of the turkmen people is the sweet fruit of Independence. The happiness of the people who build and create is closely related to Independence. "Avaza" national tourist zone, "Altyn Asyr" Turkmen lake, modern villages, industrial facilities for various purposes are a clear reflection of the happy life given to our people by Independence. 

During the years of Independence, the standard of living of our people has improved and changed. During the development years of Independence, Turkmenistan reached high levels in social and economic development in the careful use of its rich natural resources. The rapidly developing economy of Turkmenistan is actively involved in the regional and global economy. Turkmenistan directs the results of economic development to the development of the social system, to the formation of a highly intellectual and strong human capital capable of ensuring the future prosperity of the country. 

It is noteworthy that during the years of Independence, the country's economy has developed harmoniously, using our natural resources and capabilities, new high-performance industrial production, extensive transport and logistics infrastructure has been created, and the living conditions of our people have been brought up to world standards. 

As a result of our esteemed President's tireless efforts, modernization of hospitals, recreation areas, and sanatoriums was identified as one of the priority directions for the development of the country's health care system. Within the framework of the "Health/Saglyk" State program and other large-scale socio-economic programs, modern health, tourism and recreation infrastructure is emerging in all regions of the country. 

New medical institutions, pharmaceutical factories were built, and a national model of health care was created. "Archman", "Yyly suv", "Bayramaly", "Farap", "Mollagara", "Berzenni", "Dashoguz" sanatoriums, children's health and recreation centers in Gökdere, as well as on the shore of "Altyn kol" located in the north of Ashgabat meet modern requirements establishment of a recreational zone is also one of the achievements in health care. Among the ongoing activities, modern hospitals, diagnostic centers, and health care facilities that are being created to serve the public deserve a special mention. 

The programs implemented by our esteemed President to strengthen the justice society, democratic development, improve citizens' rights, labor and social welfare legislation, and improve the material well-being of the people are a clear sign of his unwavering love for our country and people. 

May the glory of the Independent state of Turkmenistan, which has come true from the dreams of our ancestors, spread from century to century and light up the world! 

May the life of our Hero Arkadag, and our esteemed President who raised the Independence of the Motherland to a new level at the international level will be long, healthy, the great works of world importance and for country prosper be always successful! 



main specialist of Digital technologies and information security management of apparatus
of the Commission for holding Elections and referendums in Turkmenistan.