The elections of deputies of Mejlis of Turkmenistan, members of velayat, etrap, city halk maslahaty and Gengeshes which will be held on March 26, 2023, will be held on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot by the citizens of Turkmenistan under conditions of wide competition. Elections are the main instrument for the emergence of democracy in public life and are universal measures guaranteeing the right to vote and be elected by all eligible citizens of the society. 

Our young voters, who turn eighteen and vote for the first time, will also exercise their right to vote in the elections which will be held in our secular, democratic and legal state in the year named " the year of Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar". 

Active participation of young people in these political events are of a great importance. Because, in our country, great trust was given to the owners of the great future of our Motherland - the youth. Along with the other political works taking place in our Independent, permanent Neutral state, it is particularly noteworthy that young people actively participate in elections which are an important political events. 

Till now, that is, as of March 12, 2023, there are approximately 75606 young first-time voters were registered across our country, including 17540 in Ahal velayat, 4375 in Balkan velayat, 9657 in Dashoguz velayat, 8644 in Lebap velayat, 21661 in Mary velayat and 13729 in Ashgabat. 

These young voters will take their first political steps by voting and participating in the governance of the state. Handing out the souvenirs to our young voters who vote for the first time at the polling stations will be a clear proof of the special importance of the young generation in our country. 

In addition, among the members of election commissions operating in our country, as well as among the national observers, there are many representatives of the Youth organization named after Magtymguly, reveals that the meaning of the announced year "the year of Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar" is also reflected in the electoral system.