On March 26, 2023, the elections of deputies of Mejlis of Turkmenistan, members of velayat, etrap, city halk maslahats and Gengeshes in our holy Motherland were held in accordance with our democratic principles, on the basis of multi-partisanship, competition, openness and transparency. 

In the Revival of the new epoch of the Powerful state, these elections reflect the full image of the unity, integrity, inner harmony, perfection, and activity of all levels of the turkmen society that surrounds our peaceful Land will go down in the glorious history of the people's memory as an example of the unique prosperity of our national democracy. 

International observers from the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Organization of Turkic States, the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation, as well as an evaluation team from the bureau for human rights and democratic institutions of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe observed the conduction of this important political event on a democratic basis. Thus, more than 60 international observers participated to monitor the conduction of elections on a democratic basis. 

If the observation of 2855 national observers appointed by the political parties of Turkmenistan, public associations, citizens' groups and candidates for the conduction of elections clearly means that the observer's view of the entire turkmen society in this socio-political event in the country, the participation of more than 60 observers from prestigious international organizations was a unique recognition of the opinion of the world community. 

Observers led by Commonwealth of Independent States General secretary Sergei Lebedev, deputy of General secretary of the Organization of Turkic States Mirvokhid Azimov and deputy of General secretary of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Grigoriy Logvinov on these elections held in accordance with the Constitution of Turkmenistan, the Election code of Turkmenistan and generally recognized international standards, when we get acquainted with some of the values ​​given in the briefings of that observers groups’, you realize how high the reputation of our country in the world. In this regard, the experiences gained during the years of Independence were also discussed in conducting of democratic elections. In this point of view, it is particularly noteworthy that the elections were held in accordance with international norms and our national laws as a result of our esteemed President's support and assistance in improving the electoral system. 

In their speeches, the leaders of the observer groups expressed their gratitude to the leaders of our country and the central election commission for the invitation to participate in an important socio-political event in the life of the state, and they noted with satisfaction that the elections in Turkmenistan were held at a successful and high organizational level, on the basis of wide competition, in a state of openness and transparency, with the active participation of voters. As participants of the briefing emphasized, the invitation of international observers is considered as proof that the country strives to ensure that elections are held on a democratic basis. 

The legal basis of the elections held in Turkmenistan, the works carried out by the election commissions in the organized conduction of the elections, the preparation of the voter lists, the propaganda works before the elections, the coverage of the election season in the media, the works carried out in connection with the observation of the voting in the elections and the counting of the voters' votes are highly appreciated by them. 

This indicates that the elections held in our country have been fully recognized by international observers. As mentioned, the results of the observation teams are based on the study of the national election legislation, observations and information collected by the team members during their stay in our country. 

International observers emphasized the importance of the effective works of apparatus of the Commission for holding Elections and referendums in Turkmenistan and election commissions at all levels in the preparation and organization of four types of elections. This helped to conduct the elections on a democratic basis and at a high organizational level. The members of the observers groups also paid attention to the works done by the national media in covering the elections and emphasized that the elections were held in organized manner. 

Thus, the elections on March 26, 2023, were held in accordance with the Constitution and the Election code of Turkmenistan.  The elections were held in accordance with generally recognized democratic norms, in a state of openness and transparency, and ensured the free expression of the will of citizens of our country. 

In summary, the elections of deputies of Mejlis of Turkmenistan, members of velayat, etrap, city halk maslahats and Gengeshes clearly showed once again that our national laws are constantly being improved and they are being modernized according to the requirements of international standards as a result of the democratic reforms launched in our country by the initiative of the National Leader of the turkmen people Hero Arkadag in Independent and permanent Neutral Turkmenistan and successfully implemented by our esteemed President.