In independent, permanently Neutral Turkmenistan, the World health day is celebrated every year at the state level.

As our esteemed President noted: "In our country, human health is the highest value of the society and the state. According of that, a lot of work is being done to protect public health, prevent and eliminate diseases, and develop health care and the medical industry at the global level." In the Revival of the new epoch of the Powerful state unremitting efforts are being made to raise the reputation of our country as a place of health, spirituality and sports in the world. 

On April 7, Turkmenistan celebrates the World health day according to the good tradition. A mass bicycle rally is held to mark this international date, which is enshrined in the national calendar. Our President also participates in it. Health is a great value not only for each person, but also for the whole society, because it is the source of physical health and strength, work and creative activity, and a good life in general. 

In the Revival of the new epoch of the Powerful state sport is one of the priority directions of the state policy of Turkmenistan. In this regard, special attention is paid to the development of mass physical education, health and sports activities, which have a wide scope in our dear Motherland. 

Wide-scale activities are being carried out in the country to strengthen healthy lifestyles, promote physical education and regular sports in our society. Every year, more and more turkmen people join this movement. 

The "Health" State program, other relevant programs, and projects for the modernization of medical and sports facilities in cities and rural areas are being continuously implemented. 

Of course, a bicycle is considered to be the most environmentally friendly form of transportation, which is an excellent means of moving, touring, and spending useful and active free time. It is also popular as a means of sports. 

Nowadays, it has become a noble tradition in our country to hold public bicycle rallies, car-free days, and public garden planting ceremonies. These wonderful traditions, which were started by our Hero Arkadag, aimed at forming a new ecological culture of the society, received great support of our people and wide acceptance at the international level. 

As we know, it is clearly evidenced by the adoption of the Resolution by the UN General Assembly in 2018 on the initiative of Turkmenistan to declare June 3 as the World bicycle day. In honor of this event, the "Bicycle" building was built in Ashgabat. The building was solemnly opened in 2020. On March 15, 2022, at the 61st plenary meeting of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly, the Resolution entitled "Introduction of mass cycling in public transport systems to achieve sustainable development" was unanimously adopted at the proposal of our country. It is worth noting that 62 countries have acted as the founders of this Declaration. 

Following the example of the honorable President, on the World health day everyone begins to move in harmony along the wide avenues of our capital. The refreshing, crisp, cool air of a beautiful spring morning, beautiful places of nature in the foothills of Kopetdag, the beautiful image of white marble Ashgabat, recognized as the center of regional and international cooperation, which confidently strengthens its position among the most beautiful and livable cities in the world, lifts your spirit and gives you good feelings. 

Musical performances praising our Independent, eternal Neutral Motherland and its peace-loving, creative politics, sports, and enthusiastic dances increase the festive atmosphere of this event and inspire the participants of the sports event to pass the march successfully. Our esteemed President demonstrates excellent physical and sports training during the bicycle rally. 

Our esteemed President continues the noble family traditions and pays great attention to sports. Along with having a positive effect on a person's physical and mental condition, doing sports also helps to reveal qualities such as hard work, courage, determination, discipline. In this the continuity of generations is clearly expressed. 

The sport of cycling is widespread and very popular all over the world. Its history begins with the first major sports competitions held in France in the second half of the 19th century. In 1896 this kind of sports was included in the program of the Olympic games. It is known that cycling sport has a long history in our country. This history originates from the establishment of the first cycling community in Ashgabat in 1894. A year later, was held the first cyclists’ race.  Nowadays, this type of sport has gained a new development in our country. 

We would like to thank our esteemed President for creating all the conditions for the organization of events that are of great importance in inviting young people to a healthy lifestyle and sincerely congratulate all our people on World health day. 

On the basis of our esteemed President's initiative, to bring the sports which is of great importance to new heights of development, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, promoting the effects of exercise on human health and may he great works, state attitudes, important initiatives, effective steps on the way of coordinating the environmental policy be successful. 


Annadursun MESKUTOVA,
chief specialist of Digital technologies and information security department of apparatus of the Commission for holding Elections and referendums in Turkmenistan.