Under the wise leadership of the esteemed President of Turkmenistan attaches great importance to the democratization of all aspects of state and social life. This allows the various types of elections held in our country to be held on a democratic basis. 

Based on the decision of Mejlis of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan on January 12, 2023, it was decided to held the elections of deputies of the seventh convocation of Mejlis of Turkmenistan, members of the fifth convocation of velayat, etrap and city halk maslahats, members of the ninth convocation of gengeshes on Sunday, March 26, 2023. 

The election season began on January 16, 2023. 

7,222 electoral constituencies were created in our country for the purpose of conducting the elections in an organized manner. More specifically, 

125 constituencies for the elections of deputies of Mejlis of Turkmenistan, including:

16 in Ahal velayat;

10 in Balkan velayat;

27 in Dashoguz velayat;

26 in Lebap velayat;

29 in Mary velayat;

in Ashgabat city were established 17 constituencies.

There are a total of 240 constituencies in our country for the elections of members of velayat and Ashgabat city halk maslahats, including: 

40 in Ahal velayat;

40 in Balkan velayat;

40 in Dashoguz velayat;

40 in Lebap velayat;

40 in Mary velayat;

in Ashgabat city were established 40 constituencies.

A total of 960 constituencies for the elections of members of regional and city councils, including: 

140 constituencies in Ahal velayat;

180 constituencies in Balkan velayat;

160 constituencies in Dashoguz velayat;

180 constituencies in Lebap velayat;

220 constituencies in Mary velayat;

80 constituencies were established in Ashgabat city.

Elections of members of gengeshes were held in 572 gengeshes. There are a total of 5897 constituencies in our country for the election of members of gengeshes, including: 

976 constituencies in Ahal velayat;

422 constituencies in Balkan velayat;

1397 constituencies in Dashoguz velayat;

1397 constituencies in Lebap velayat;

1705 constituencies were established in Mary velayat.

By political parties, public associations and citizen groups operating in our country: 

A total of 1375 members of the district election commissions created for the elections of the deputies of Mejlis of Turkmenistan; 

A total of 4076 representatives were nominated in the city in etrap, township, gengeshlik election commissions created for the elections of members of gengeshes. 

A total of 2644 polling stations were created to vote in the elections, including: 

365 in Ahal velayat; 

272 in Balkan velayat; 

536 in Dashoguz velayat; 

567 in Lebap velayat; 

550 in Mary velayat; 

312 in Ashgabat city; 

42 were established near the diplomatic missions (consulate offices) of Turkmenistan abroad. 

1850 polling stations were established in educational institutions. More exactly; 

21 in higher education institutions; 

38 in specialized secondary vocational schools; 

1537 in secondary schools; 

254 in kindergartens; 

752 in the building of healthcare, culture and other institutions;

42 were established near the diplomatic missions (consulate offices) of Turkmenistan abroad.

The elections took place under the watchful eyes of the people of our country and the world. All stages of the elections were observed by 2855 national observers appointed by political parties, public associations, citizen groups and the candidates themselves. More precisely; 

594 from the Democratic party of Turkmenistan;

307 from the party of Industrialists and entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan;

408 from the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan;

600 Trade unions of Turkmenistan;

302 from the Women's association of Turkmenistan;

570 from the Magtymguly Youth organization of Turkmenistan;

21 from Citizesn groups;

53 observers were nominated by the candidates.

50.47% of national observers are women.

51.35% of national inspectors are people with higher, 33.87% with special secondary, and 14.78% with secondary education.

By age 32.89% of national observers are under 30 years old, 30.23% are between 30 and 40 years old, 17.51% are between 40 and 50 years old, and 19.37% are over 50 years old. 

Also, from the Commonwealth of Independent States;

from the bureau for Human rights and democratic institutions of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe;

from the Organization of Turkic States;

from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization;

and 60 international observers from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation observed the conduction of elections on a democratic basis.

Also, 32 international observers appointed by the embassies of foreign countries in Turkmenistan observed the elections. 

Nomination of candidates opened on January 25, 2023 and ended on February 24, 2023. 

Registration of candidates were held from February 4 to 28. 

14872 candidates were nominated and registered in the elections. More precisely: 

258 for the deputies of Mejlis of Turkmenistan; 

515 for the members of velayat and Ashgabat city halk maslahats; 

2001 for the membership of etrap and city halk maslahats; 

12098 candidates were registered for the membership of Gengeshes. 

10340 candidates by political parties; 

4532 were nominated by citizens groups. 

Two and three candidates competed for one place in the elections. More precisely: 

2 candidates in each of 117 districts, 3 candidates in each of 8 districts; 

2 candidates in each of 1084 districts, 3 candidates in each of 116 districts according to the elections of members of velayat, Ashgabat city and etrap, city halk maslahats; 

2 candidates in each of 11490 districts, 3 candidates in each 304 districts competed in the elections of members of gengesh. 

Early voting took place between March 16 and 25, 2023, and 5.10% of voters voted. 

Voting in polling stations were held from 7:00 a.m. to 19:00/07:00 p.m. 

Out of 3,496,368 registered voters in our country 3,185,935 voters or 91.12 percent of voters took part in the voting. More precisely: 

769603 at 09:00, 22.01%, 

1529084 at 11:00, 43.73%, 

2156533 at 13;00, 61.68%, 

2604054 at 15:00/03:00 p.m., 74.48%,

2932551 at 17:00/05:00 p.m., 83.87%, 

at 19:00/07:00 p.m., 3185935, 91.12% percent of voters cast their votes. 

12971 voters abroad were registered, of which 12527, or 96.58 percent, voted. 

75606 young voters over the age of 18 took part in the elections. 

15984 voters voted outside the polling station (due to the health condition). 

During the elections special video cameras were installed in 240 polling stations in Ashgabat and velayats of our country, and voters’ voting were shown directly to the public online on the website of Central election commission called saylav.gov.tm. 

7222 people were elected to all representative bodies of power from 14872 candidates registered in the elections. Including: 

125 deputies from 258 candidates to Mejlis of Turkmenistan; 

240 members of velayat and Ashgabat city halk maslahats from 515 candidates; 

960 members of etrap and city halk maslahats from 2001 candidates; 

5897 members were elected to gengehses from 12098 candidates. 

Nominated and elected deputies of Mejlis of Turkmenistan, members of velayat, etrap, city halk maslahats and gengeshes: 

6241 candidates were nominated from the Democratic party of Turkmenistan, 3320 of them;

523 candidates were nominated from the party of Industrialists and entrepreneurs, 304 of them;

3576 candidates from the Agrarian party were nominated and 1513 were elected.

5137 out of 10340 candidates nominated by political parties;

2085 of the 4532 candidates submitted by citizens groups were elected.

The total number of deputies of the seventh convocation of Mejlis of Turkmenistan is 125, of which 97 are newly elected deputies, i.e. 77.60%; 28 serving deputies 22.40%. 

25.60% of the 125 deputies elected to the Mejlis of Turkmenistan; 

28.75% of the 240 members elected to the velayat and Ashgabat city halk maslahats; 

29.58% of the 960 members elected to the etrap, city halk maslahats; 

27.91% of the 5897 elected members of the Gengeshes are women. 

98.40% of those who elected to deputies of Mejlis of Turkmenistan are people with higher, and 1.60% with special secondary education. 

91.25% of the elected members of velayat and Ashgabat city halk maslahats are people with high, 7.92% special secondary, and 0.83% secondary education. 

80.31% of the elected members of etrap, city halk maslahats are people with higher education, 14.69% with special secondary education, and 5.00% with secondary education. 

49.36% of those who elected to the membership of Gengeshes are people with higher education, 34.19% with special secondary education, and 16.45% with secondary education. 

18.89% of those who elected are under 30 years old, 30.67% are between 30 and 40 years old, 25.45% are between 40 and 50 years old, and 24.39% are over 50 years old. 

The total number of active members of the election commissions which participated in the organized conduction of the elections is about 24 thousand people. All necessary documents and other material resources for election commissions were provided in a centralized manner. 

Based on the wise instructions and advices of our esteemed President, conduction of elections in our country on the basis of our national laws, international norms and democratic principles, in accordance with the Constitution of Turkmenistan, the Electoral code of Turkmenistan, at a high level, on the basis of multipartyism, in wide competition conditions, and in an organized manner is an important task of the election commissions. 


Central Election Commission.