In the Revival of the new epoch of the Powerful state the noble initiatives of our Hero Arkadag have been successfully continued by our esteemed President. Today, our beloved country is confidently advancing on the path of development and prosperity in deepening our national democratic principles. At the international level our Motherland which is recognized as one of the developed countries of the world is making great achievements in all fields. 

Our State Leader made his historic speech at the inauguration ceremony: "In the successful implementation of my goals, I rely, first of all, on our people, on their unity and integrity, on their understanding and courage", "A country is only a country with its people!" A state is only a state with its people!" he emphasized very sensibly. Of course, the unity of the people and the state in our democratic state is the main starting point of all developments. The general elections held in our country on the basis of democratic principles in unity, peace and regularly organized manner reveals that it is so. 

Elections at any level in the country are a unique measuring tool that shows the level of perfect harmony, stability, unity and peace prevailing in various sections of the society. The political life of any country is judged by the quality of the elections held in that country. That is, elections are the main source of the emergence of democracy in the social and political life of the state, and are of great importance in increasing its reputation at the international level. Elections are a unique reflection of society. 

From this point of view, the election system based on ancient guidelines, which was formed on the basis of good practices inherited from our ancestors during the years of Independence, was also improved, a wealth of experience in conducting elections has been accumulated. Positive results are also achieved in terms of introducing a digital system for elections and cooperation with international organizations. 

If we look at the history of the elections held in our country during the years of Independence, we can see that 31 different types of general elections and referendums were held in our country, as well as a number of indirect (indirect) elections, thus a total of 32 elections were held. 

More specifically,

A total of 5 elections of the President of Turkmenistan were held:

On June 21, 1992;

On February 11, 2007;

On February 12, 2012;

On February 12, 2017,

March 12, 2022.

A total of 7 convocation elections of deputies of Mejlis of Turkmenistan were held:

December 11, 1994;

December 12, 1999;

December 19, 2004;

December 14, 2008;

December 15, 2013;

March 25, 2018.

March 26, 2023.

A total of 5 convocation elections were held for members of velayat, etrap, city halk maslahats:

December 3, 2006;

December 5, 2010;

November 23, 2014;

March 25, 2018.

March 26, 2023.

A total of 9 convocation elections of members of gengeshes were held:

On June 27, 1993;

On April 5, 1998;

On April 6, 2003;

On July 23, 2006;

On July 26, 2009;

On August 20, 2012;

On August 16, 2015;

March 25, 2018.

March 26, 2023.

Also, a total of 2 referendums were held in our country:

On October 10, 1991;

January 15, 1994.

3 elections of people's representatives were also held:

On December 6, 1992;

On April 5, 1998;

On April 6, 2003.

However, in connection with the transition of the parliament of our country to a bicameral system, elections of members of Halk Maslahaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan were held on March 28, 2021 on the basis of indirect (indirect) suffrage. 

In addition, elections were held to replace the deputies of Mejlis of Turkmenistan, members of velayat, etrap, city halk maslahats and gengeshes who left before their term. Until 2013 each level of elections in our country had its own separate law, also, there were laws on referendums, guarantees of the right to vote, and the Central election commission. 

On May 4, 2013, the Election code of Turkmenistan was approved and entered into force on July 1 of that year. 

Thus, all the separate laws mentioned above were combined and the Election code of Turkmenistan was created. The Election code in force in our country consists of 92 articles and 17 chapters. The Constitution of Turkmenistan and the Electoral code of Turkmenistan which include internationally recognized democratic norms of conducting elections are the legal basis of the elections held in our country. 

From the date of entry into force of the Election code of Turkmenistan until now, based on international and national practices, a total of 9 amendments and additions were made to it. 

The modern improvement of the Election code of Turkmenistan which regulates relations related to the preparation and conduction of elections and referendums and the continuous introduction of several amendments and additions to it, creates wide opportunities for the organized conduction of elections in our country based on democratic principles. 

We thank our esteemed President who continues the far-sighted policy of the National Leader of the turkmen people, Chairman of Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, our Hero Arkadag, pays great attention to the improvement of the election system in our motherland, and leads the people of Turkmenistan to a happy future in a democratic way. 

We wish to our esteemed President sound health, long life, high dignity, and the efficient works for the benefit of the country and people will prosper. 


Hekimberdi OVEZOV,
a secretary-referent of apparatus of the Commission for holding Elections and referendums in Turkmenistan.