In the Revival of the new epoch of the Powerful state ensuring a dignified life for the representatives of the older generation who experienced the harsh trials of the war years of the last century is one of the priorities of the national policy of our country. As a result of our esteemed President's all-round concern, many benefits are given to the participants of the war, to those who work in the rear and to the mothers who keep the military family. 

Commemorating the Heroes of the Motherland is one of the ancient traditions of the turkmen people. In honor of the 78th anniversary of the Great Victory, according to the noble tradition, bright monuments of the heroes who died in the war defending the Motherland are honored in our country. A special tribute gives to veterans. This remarkable date occupies an important place in the national calendar as a symbol of the high patriotism and courage of the turkmen people, their commitment to peace-loving principles and the wise will of their ancestors. 

Every year in honor of the Victory in the Patriotic war of 1941-1945, the bright monuments of the heroes who died on the battlefields are commemorated, the flowers layed to the monument complex "Halk hakydasy" in Ashgabat and in the monuments built in memory of the sons of the Motherland in velayats of our country. 

Victory day is a day that the turkmen people are proud of their forefathers and of special importance in educating our young generations who use their legacy. Victory day is a day to show pride in peace, humanity, unity and prosperity. Victory Day in the Great Patriotic war is widely celebrated in our country on May 9 every year. 

The turkmen people, who are passing through the history of thousands of years are enriching the patriarchal principles of their ancestors in educating the youth and guaranteeing their continuation. Today, war veterans carry out noble tasks for the formation of feelings of high patriotism, heroism, bravery in the young generation, strengthening the integrity of the society, and make their worthy contribution to the implementation of huge reforms. 

Commemoration of heroes of the Motherland is one of the ancient principles of our nation. Those who have shown heroism in the battles for the homeland are always honored. Thousands of brave and selfless sons of turkmen took part in the Great Patriotic war of 1941-1945. They stood shoulder to shoulder with the representatives of the fraternal nations and showed an example of heroism. In the wars, the unwavering friendship and solidarity of the nations prevailed. 

The Great Patriotic war is one of the most violent wars in human history. The heroic life of our forefathers is a role model for the younger generation. Based on the belief that "Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten", today, the happy turkmen people celebrate this holiday, which plays an important role in the education of young generations. 

We salute the heroes who defended for the country. We respect on their unparalleled courage. The glorious life of our ancestors is a school for us of patriotism, boundless loyalty to our beloved land and service to our holy Motherland. 

The valiant sons of our nation experienced the harsh trials of the last war and showed bravery, indifference and heroism in the battles for peace, tranquility and a prosperous life. Among them is Berdimuhamet Annayev, the father of our Hero Arkadag, a master teacher, a patriotic soldier, a man of inspiration, his way of life is an example of true patriotism, courage and devotion to duty for today's youth. 

The childhood of Malikguly Berdimuhamedov, the father of our Hero Arkadag also coincided with the difficult years of the world war second. "During the Patriotic war of 1941-1945, I am immensely happy and proud of my father, who bravely endured the hardships of life, became a man of his age, supported to the village people, and thus, passed the path of bravery" our thanks to our Heroic Arkadag, who expressing his state of mind is limitless. 

In the Revival of the new epoch of the Powerful state, "in the year of happy youth with Arkadag Serdar" we wish to our esteemed President who puts a lot of effort into the incomparable courage of our forefathers with his peace-creative and conciliatory policy sound health, save high head, success in the great works for the benefit of nation and people and universal importance.  


Aman Amanov,
a lawyer of apparatus of the Commission for holding Elections and referendums in Turkmenistan.