In the Revival of the new epoch of the Powerful state our state of Turkmenistan which is confidently advancing towards new heights of development under the wise leadership of our esteemed President is a place of happy, and happy children. 

International Children protection day is celebrated on 1st of June every year in our Motherland, which has become a land of happy children's laughter. International Children protection day is a holiday celebrating universal principles of peace, humanity and friendship. In our country this holiday symbolizes the continuity and spiritual harmony of generations. The holiday is widely celebrated in our country as a sign of our commitment to the basic norms of the United Nations for the protection of children's rights and interests. 

Founded in 1949, international Children protection day has been celebrated since June 1, 1950, its goal is to draw the attention of national governments and the world community to issues related to children. 

In our state under the leadership of our esteemed President great concern is given to children. Also in the year declared as the "year of happy youth with Arkadag Serdar", the 1st of June - international Children protection day is celebrated in all parts of our Country. This holiday of happy children, who are the source of our bright future, is fed with a new spirit and great joy in the Revival of the new epoch of the Powerful state. Because today, Turkmenistan is a country of happy childhood, where all the dreams and aspirations of the young generation come true. 

Our people consider a home with a child as a noble home. Because a child is the main dream of every parent, the light of every home, the continuation of life, the beauty of hearts. They are the foundation of family unity. There is a saying in our people: "The child is from the young age, the behaviour is from the beginning", "The mind is priceless, the education of behaviour is unlimited". This means that the beginning of early child education of behaviour, upbringing given at the young age is a lifelong companion. Perfect personalities are formed in a unity family that lives in the present of honest labor. 

Childhood is the most beautiful and joyful period of a person, rich in wonderful memories, love and various events. A person's worldview, ability to live and determination to achieve goals begin to emerge in childhood. According this, great works are being carried out in our country aimed at the comprehensive development of our future young generation and the implementation of healthy lifestyles. 

As our Hero Arkadag notes, "Happy children, who are the joy of our eyes, the pride of our hearts, are our descendants who will further enhance the honor, dignity, and glory of our powerful Motherland." For that our future children being talented, capable, morally and physically healthy, living free in happy life is central of state policy. 

Along with the education of the young generation in our country, all conditions have been created for children to spend their time happily and meaningfully in health and recreation centers that meet world standards during the summer and winter vacation seasons. Thousands of our children rest and strengthen their health in health and recreation centers located in the world-famous "Avaza" national tourist zone, "Gokdere" valley and other regions of our country. 

As our ancestors noted, "A child is the continuation of life", today's children are the continuation of the state and society. Families with many children are highly respected in our country, our state provides them with comprehensive support, including improving their living conditions. Mothers who have given a birth to and raised eight or more children in our country are given the honorary title of Turkmenistan "Ene mahri". Gifting of new houses to families with many children on behalf of the President is a clear proof of universal concern. 

Following our national principles of humanitarianism and charity, the creation of a charitable foundation named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for supporting children in need of protection in our country complemented the activities in this field. The works carried out in the direction of the comprehensive and harmonious development of children are aimed at ensuring a prosperous and happy life of the young generation. In our modern era all opportunities are created for young generations of our country to be able to use advanced scientific and technical technologies, to get education, and to work creatively. Because the children are the future owners of each of us family homes, the future of our country. 

Happy international Children protection day which is widely celebrated in our state! 

We sincerely wish strong health, long life, success in great deeds to our esteemed President who cares so much about our people’s and our happy children’s living noble life! 


Ogulnyaz Mammetnurova, 
leading specialist of Organizational management of apparatus of the Commission for holding Elections and referendums in Turkmenistan.