Turkmen country celebrates the Gurban bayram

Along with all muslim countries, in our Motherland on the occasion of Gurban bayram which is celebrated on a grand scale, holiday events are held in high spirits. With the inclusion of this holy holiday which has been specially celebrated in turkmen land since ancient times in the list of significant dates of our national calendar, our people, who continue the wonderful traditions of our ancestors, celebrate the Gurban bayram in a wide and joyful manner. 

The humanitarian meaning of this holiday is a great importance in preserving our national heritage inspires our people to do their best. Gurban bayram is a holiday of good intentions and charity. It also brings people closer to each other with its unique characteristics. 

Gurban bayram is an integral part of the turkmen world. Our people have assimilated their national beliefs, customs and traditions into the meaning of this ancient holiday. At the same time, this holiday is celebrated with great ceremony in all regions of our country with good wishes, hopes and lofty goals. 

As the result of the tireless efforts of our Hero Arkadag, our esteemed President turkmen people decently continue and enrich their religion, traditions and language, spiritual and moral values, noble principles. This holy holiday which is passed down from generation to generation is developed on the basis of beliefs and customs, humanitarian traditions such as generosity, kindness, and giving to each other. Celebrating Gurban bayram in our country for three days at the state level also clearly confirms that in the new historical era we are putting a lot of effort into our national traditions and values ​​of humanity inherited from our forefathers. 

Our forefathers used to say that the wishes made on Gurban bayram come true. Before this holiday the people who had quarrels reconciled. One of the duties to be performed on the morning of Gurban bayram is to get "Gurban shor". Regardless of the time of the year this holiday falls, it is the duty of every muslim community to fulfill this obligation. 

On this holiday you wears new clothes, pamper yourself, and home. In ancient times, in homes that did not have enough money to sew a new dress for each family member, it was considered inappropriate to renew one or two types of clothes, such as a bow, a needle, a brooch, a tahya, a scarf, and clean other dresses. 

Although times are changing and new progresses are introduced into our live, the long-standing traditions of our people beneficial to society are not forgotten. In our powerful period a variety of delicacies such as a gatlama made of high quality wheat flour, yagly petir, chelpek, mayaly petir, pishme, ovmach, mesge-petir are offered to the guests of holiday. They enjoy national dishes such as palaw, tograma, yarma, chekdirme, gowurma. 

Before the holiday, as is customary, sending a large group of our comrades to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to perform the Hajj, offering good prayers in Mecca and Medina testify to the commitment of the humanitarian and spiritual traditions of our ancestors. This shows that we have great respect for our national spiritual values ​​and traditions that come from our ancestors who are committed to humanitarian principles. 

Our esteemed President takes great care to revive our national traditions, which are the treasure of spiritual wealth and purity of heart of the generations, to bring them to modern development and implement them. Now here, the Gurban bayram which is greeted with great hopes and wishes is celebrated in a new way with the national traditions of the united people. Happy Gurban bayram, which you celebrated in the period of the holidays come in pair,and may your good prayers be accepted, dear comrades! 


Jennet Saparova,

chief specialist of Organizational management of apparatus of the Commission for holding Elections and referendums in Turkmenistan.