In the Revival of the new epoch of the Powerful state under the leadership of our esteemed President the elections in our country are held in accordance with democratic principles, national laws, international norms. The preparation and organization of the elections depends on the activities carried out during the election season. In this regard, the preparation works for the elections of members of gengesh of Aba Annayev township of Karizek etrap of Arkadag city are currently underway, and we had a conversation with Maksatmyrat Geldiyev, the head of the Organizational department of apparatus of the Commission for holding Elections and referendums in Turkmenistan.

- Maksatmyrat, as we know, the election season includes several stages related to organized preparation for the elections and conducting them at a high level.

- Of course, the preparation works for the elections includes many activities such as to mark the elections, announcing the election season, creating electoral districts and precincts, equipping them, nominating and registering the candidates, registering national observers, organizing preaching works, conducting voting, summarizing and announcing its results.

The preparation works for the elections of members of gengesh of Aba Annayev township are carried out by the apparatus of the Commission for holding Elections and referendums in Turkmenistan, the election commissions of Arkadag city, Karizek etrap, Aba Annayev township and precinct. 

According to the Election code of Turkmenistan, 5-6 constituencies are created in the area with up to 1000 voters in the elections of members of gengesh. Thus, there are 236 voters and 5 constituencies were created within the territory of Aba Annayev township. 

The first organizations of the Democratic party of Turkmenistan, the party of Industrialists and entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan took part in the nomination of candidates, which is one of the main stages of the election season. In 5 constituencies, two candidates were registered for one place, which indicates that these elections will be held on a competitive basis. 

The fact that there are young citizens among the registered candidates for the elections of members of gengesh of Aba Annayev township, which will be held in the year of happy youth with Arkadag Serdar, shows that the high trust in the young generation in our country is reflected in the election system. 

Polling stations are created to conduct the voting in the elections. Polling stations with the number of voters from twenty to two thousand are created at least forty-five days before the elections. The 1st polling station created for voting in the elections of members of gengesh of Aba Annayev township, and summarizing its results, is located in the building of the 10th secondary school of Arkadag city. 

- Please tell us about the organizational and methodological assistance provided by the central election commission to the election commissions in connection with the high-level holding of the elections of members of gengesh of the Aba Annayev township, as well as the using of the capabilities of the digital system in the elections!

- In order to holding the elections in an organized manner, manuals for the election commissions of Aba Annayev township and precinct election commiswsion, the single unitary specimens of the documents to be used during the election season were prepared and printed by the office of the Central election commission and delivered to the election commissions.

According to the approved schedule of election activities, specialists of the Central election commission held a training seminar with the members of Arkadag city, Karizek etrap, Aba Annayev township and precinct election commissions. During the seminar were explained the amendments and additions to the Electoral code of Turkmenistan, the procedure for organizing the elections, more precisely, the election legislation, the system of election commissions operating in the elections, and the powers of the aforementioned election commissions. Also, at the training seminar a comprehensive understanding was given about the procedure of nominating and registering the candidates for the membership of gengesh of Aba Annayev township, the types of election documents and ballot papers, as well as the procedure for drawing up protocols on the results of voting by the relevant election commissions. 

In addition, a video explaining the voting procedure was prepared and released to the public as part of the activities related to the organization of the elections. 

During the election season, the wide possibilities of the digital system are used effectively. The boundaries of the established constituencies, the center of precinct, the boundaries and the list of registered candidates, as well as the information related to the elections, news are regularly posted on the website of the Central election commission saylav.gov.tm , and brought to the attention of public. 

Also, special video cameras were installed at the 1st polling station of Karizek etrap of Arkadag city, which was created for the elections of members of gengesh of Aba Annayev township, and on the day of the elections on July 23, it is planned to show the voter's voting directly to the public in an online format on the website of the Central election commission saylav.gov.tm .

- What kind of activities are being carried out in connection with the upcoming elections, as well as ensuring the public control over the elections these days?

- These days, the preaching season continues within the framework of the important socio-political event which will be held on July 23. In order to conduct the elections of members of gengesh of Aba Annayev township in accordance with organized and national democratic principles, in a state of openness and transparency, it would be appropriate that all candidates are given equal opportunities to promote their programs to voters. 

At the meetings of the candidates through the speeches of their trusted people the voters also have opportunity to familiarize with the biographies of the candidates. Also, during the meeting, the candidates had a speech in front of the voters, and introduce them in detail with their pre-election programs. The preaching works starts from the day the candidate is registered in the respective election commission and ends one day before the elections day. 

Also these days, according to the article 73 of the Election code of Turkmenistan, conditions were also created for voting before the elections day, the citizens who included in the list of voters at the polling station and cannot be at their place of residence on the elections day with the right to vote can exercise their rights to vote. Early voting begins ten days before the day of voting in the elections, it is held in the 1st polling station of Karizek etrap of Arkadag city from 09:00 to 14:00. 

Transparency and openness of the election process is ensured by the participation of candidates' trusted people, observers, mass media representatives. In fact, when elections are held, it is under the watchful eye of the general public. 

The main purpose of observation of elections is aimed at protecting and expanding the right of citizens to vote, helping to fulfill international obligations to conduct the elections in our country in a democratic level. 

The fact that 50 percent of registered national observers of elections and 40 percent of candidates are women shows that our women are actively participating in this event. 

Looking at the mentioned activities, in our democratic, legal and secular state it is possible to make sure that elections are held in accordance with international norms. 

Paying great attention to the improvement of the election system, we wish to our Hero Arkadag, to our esteemed President who leads high soul turkmen people living in free, peaceful and noble life, sound health, long life, success in hard works for the benefit of the country and people, and dignity will always be high. 

- Maksatmyrat, thank you very much for your conversation! We wish the best of luck in your efforts to organize the elections of members of gengesh of Aba Annayev township.

- Thank you !

The interviewer was Hekimberdi Ovezov.