On February 11, the Central Commission for Holding Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan held a meeting with the Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Rashid Alimov, who arrived in Ashgabat at the head of the SCO Observer Mission for the presidential elections in Turkmenistan.
Taking part in the meeting were also members of the SCO Observer Mission, including representatives of legislative, executive and election bodies of SCO member states, as well as members of the SCO Secretariat.
The topic of discussion was the question of the Mission.During the meeting, the head of the Central Election Commission informed on the ongoing work of the election commissions in the implementation of the Plan of measures on preparation and holding of elections organized by the President of Turkmenistan.
As noted at the meeting, over the years the Turkmen electoral legislation has undergone significant changes in the direction of greater openness, transparency, democratic and fully complies with universally recognized norms of international law. For the first time the right to nominate candidates for the President used the three political parties: the Democratic Party, the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and the Agrarian Party. Another six candidates nominated by initiative groups of citizens.
All candidates were given equal opportunity to organize meetings with voters, appearances on TV, radio and in print media. Necessary conditions have been created for national and international observers, which indicates the openness and transparency of the electoral process. Head of the Mission of SCO Observer Mission praised the efforts undertaken by Turkmenistan's Central Election Commission in various areas, and noted its high professionalism, quality of information materials and extensive media coverage on the election.
The SCO Observer Mission will hold a news conference on 13 February 2017 to make a statement on the outcomes of its monitoring of preparations for and holding of the presidential election.
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