At the session of the Central Commission for conduct of election and referenda of Turkmenistan, there were resumed the final results of the Mejlis deputies’ elections in some constituencies, held on May 21, as well as Halk Maslahaty and Gengeshi members in connection with changes in the administrative-territorial structure of the regions. The meeting was attended by members of the Central Election Commission, representatives of the working groups, established at the Central Election Commission, national observers, and mass media.
It was observed high electorate activity. In the Mejlis deputies’ election, 91.02 percent of the total number of listed voters took part in two constituencies.
The elected deputies were registered in the CEC: in the “Gunesh” election district #7 of Ashgabat city – G.Mammedova, # 106 “Vekil” of Mary velayat – G.Ataeva. The newly elected National Parliament deputies were handled identity documents. From this moment they are the people’s rightful representatives in the country’s highest legislative body.
In the elections of velayat, etrap, city Halk Maslahaty and Gengeshi members, there were participated 90.91 percent of the total number of voters. The CEC session considered and approved lists of the newly elected Halk Maslahaty and Gengeshi members, who, in accordance with the provisions of the current national legislation within the next few days, would be published in print.
It was noted active work of national observers, carried out the monitoring in all election districts. As it was emphasized, the elections were held on the principles of alternativeness, publicity and openness at the highest organizational level, in accordance with current national legislation and generally accepted norms of international law.
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