09 Oct

Precinct election commissions are forming anew

In accordance with the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, in connection with the expiration of the five-year term of office of precinct election commissions formed in October 2014, it has been approved a program of events for the formation of precinct election commissions again on October-November 2019.

According to the program approved by the Central Election Commission, work is being organized in all parts of the country to form new precinct election commissions. It should be noted that this event is carried out in accordance with the law and on the scheduled terms.

In the elections of our country, held on March 25, 2018, there were created totally 2604 polling stations in Turkmenistan: including 364 in the Ahal velayat, 272 in the Balkan velayat, 523 in the Dashoguz velayat, 559 in the Lebap velayat, 548 in the Mary velayat, 299 in the Ashgabat city. And also at the diplomatic missions (consulates) of Turkmenistan abroad - 39 polling stations.

In accordance with Article 18 of the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, representatives to the election commissions were nominated at meetings of primary organizations of political parties and public organizations of the country, as well as at meetings of groups of citizens.

A meeting will be considered authorized, if a representative is nominated to the election commission from groups of citizens, with the participation of at least thirty voters living or working at this polling station.

Currently, at the polling stations of the velayats of the country and the Ashgabat city is ongoing large-scale works in nomination of representatives to the precinct election commissions.

In addition, on October-November, it will be carried out the following planned activities related with the formation of precinct election commissions: the formation and registration of a new composition of precinct election commissions by etrap, city election commissions; production and delivery of certificates to members of precinct election commissions; holding the first meetings of precinct election commissions; informing the population about the new composition of precinct election commissions and several other similar events.

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