Currently, in the velayats and the city of Ashgabat of our country, etrap, city precinct commissions are continuing works on the election of members of precinct election commissions for a new term. We asked about this the secretary-referent of the apparatus of the Central Commission for holding elections and referendums in Turkmenistan Hekimberdi OVEZOV. He told us the following:
– In accordance with Article 32 of the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, the five-year term of office of precinct election commissions formed in October 2014 has ended.
On September 17, 2019, the Central Commission for holding elections and referendums in Turkmenistan approved a program of events for the new formation of precinct election commissions. It is important to note separately that these activities are carried out in accordance with the law and the scheduled dates.
In accordance with Article 18 of the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, the primary organizations of the Democratic Party, the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan, public organizations - Trade Unions, the Women's Organization, the Youth Organization, as well as a group of citizens nominated their candidates for the precinct election commissions. More precisely, 4831 from the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan, from the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs 367, from the Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan 1451, from Trade Unions of Turkmenistan 4625, from the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Mahtumkuli 2934, from the Union of Women of Turkmenistan 1808, from groups of citizens 1518 person.
Precinct election commissions of 5-15 members are formed by the respective etrap, city election commissions. If necessary, commissions can be created with a minimum membership of three members. The term of office of precinct election commissions is five years.
To date, within our country acts 2568 polling stations. There are 17534 members of precinct election commissions in these polling stations. More precisely, in 364 polling stations of the Ahal velayat - 2117, in 272 polling stations of the Balkan velayat - 1578, in 523 polling stations of the Dashoguz velayat - 3232, in 559 polling stations of the Lebap velayat - 3657, in 548 polling stations of Mary velayat - 4125, in 302 polling stations of city of Ashgabat - 2825 members of precinct election commissions.
People of different ages and levels of education, working in various industries and representatives of different nationalities living together in Turkmenistan, as well as the high rates of women among elected members of precinct election commissions nominated to election commissions by political parties, public associations and groups of citizens, are clear demonstrates the maturity of political diversity serving only one purpose in our country, that is, for the benefit of the people and the country.
– Thank you very much for this interview!
The interview was recorded by A. AKMYRADOV.
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