05 Feb

The CIS observers inspected the course of election campaign in Dashoguz and Lebap Velayats

The CIS Observation Mission continues monitoring of Presidential Elections in Turkmenistan.

The CIS observers inspected the course of election campaign in Dashoguz and Lebap velayats. The leaders of election committees informed them of the work undertaken during preparation to the elections, having explained in details on training seminars for the members of etrap, city and divisional elections committees and well as media coverage of the elections.

During the visit to polling stations, the members of the Mission familiarized with the lists of the electorate and the course of early elections.

The CIS observers make special mention of technical and methodological provision of the polling stations and their readiness for the elections.

Compliance to the legislations during nomination and registration of the candidates for the post of the President of Turkmenistan as well as election campaign were discussed during the meetings with the leaders of regional branches of the Democratic party, the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and the Agrarian Party.

During the meetings, the observers were informed that the election campaign undergoes within existing legislation. The subjects of election campaign were also discussed by the representatives of the mission during the meeting with presidential candidate D. Orazov.

The formation of the CIS Observation Mission was finalized. 73 people, representing Azerbaijan Republic, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, Inter-Parliament Assembly of the CIS Countries, Parliamentary Council of Belarus and Russia Union and the CIS Executive Committee, were accredited in the mission composition.

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