The mission of observers from the Commonwealth of Independent States presented the Interim Report for January 25 - February 6, 2017 on the progress of monitoring the preparation and conduct of elections of the President of Turkmenistan.
According to the report, the Turkmen Mejlis, on 15th October 2016, in accordance with Article 81 of the Constitution as well as Article 4 of the Electoral Code, has defined February 12th, 2017 as the day of election of the President of Turkmenistan.
The report highlights that the mission of observers from the Commonwealth of Independent States will monitor the preparation and conduct of elections of the President of Turkmenistan at the invitation of the Central Commission for Elections and Referenda of Turkmenistan.
As has been noted, 73 observers are accredited within the mission. These observers include the members of national parliaments, the chairmen and members of the Central Election Commissions of Commonwealth countries, representatives of the diplomatic corps.
The mission started monitoring the election campaign on January 25th, 2017. 10 observers were deployed on a long term basis. Observers from the CIS operate autonomously and independently, adhering to the legislation of Turkmenistan, without interference in the electoral process and respecting the sovereignty of the state.
Observers from the Commonwealth noted that Turkmenistan has created all necessary conditions for the observation of the elections, which indicates openness and transparency of the electoral process.
Mission experts carried out analysis of the election legislation of Turkmenistan and noted that it conforms to the recognized norms of international law in the field of democratic elections and serves as sufficient legal basis to ensure free and open expression of the will of voters.
The Mission notes transparent and open work of the Central Commission. Its decisions are taken on the basis of collective, free and open discussion.
Within the framework of long-term monitoring of the elections, observers from the CIS got familiarized with the activity of district election commissions in Ahal, Dashoguz, Lebap and the city of Ashgabat. The Mission noted professionalism of the members of these commissions, good documentation management, which indicates high quality of work of the Central Commission on training of election officials.
According to the opinion of the Mission, the process of creation and updating of voter lists is held in accordance with the Code and is based on the implementation of the principle of universal suffrage.
According to the Mission, the nomination and registration of candidates for President was implemented on broad alternative basis, in accordance with the requirements of the Code, in an atmosphere of transparency and openness.
The Mission believes that the election organizers have taken necessary measures to ensure that the campaign is held in free atmosphere, and allows the candidates to familiarize voters with the election programs.
According to the Mission, the election campaign goes on in a peaceful atmosphere, in the spirit of open competition, in correct form and at a high organizational level.
As outlined in the report of the Headquarters of CIS Observation Mission, final conclusions and assessments of the mission will be set out in the final document on elections monitoring.
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