In Turkmenistan, the most important stage of the preparatory work was completed, which was deployed everywhere in connection with March 25 elections of the deputies of the Mejlis, members of the Khalk Maslakhaty and Gengeshes.
A total of 284 candidates have been nominated to the deputies of the national parliament, members of the Khalk Maslakhaty: velayat - 489, etrap and urban - 2570, and Gengeshes - 13215. Qualified specialists of all sectors of the economy, representatives of various professions and nationalities are among the contenders.
All candidates were nominated on a free and equal basis, and the procedure for nominating and registering was open in accordance with the requirements of national legislation.
On February 27, registration of candidates representing political parties and groups of citizens was completed. Pre-election campaigning and coverage of the election campaign in the media, starting from the registration of contenders will last until March 23, 2018.
At present, meetings of voters with candidates for the supreme legislative body of the country, local representative bodies and local self-government bodies are held everywhere.
Candidates give reasoned answers to questions asked about their vision of the forthcoming work in the course of an interested and open dialogue with the voters.
Political parties, public associations, citizens of Turkmenistan, contenders, their agents, initiative groups are provided with free campaigning in accordance with the Electoral Code. Candidates are guaranteed equal conditions for access to the media.
The participation of international and national observers in the electoral process will facilitate openness and objectivity of it.
The great work done in recent months, the nature of the campaign that has entered the active phase of the election campaign is convincing evidence that elections of the new composition of the country's deputy corps, members of the Khalk Maslakhaty and Gengeshes will be held in accordance with the national election legislation and international law.
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