The final results of the most important socio-political campaign – the elections to the Mejlis, members of the velayat, etrap, city Halk Maslahaty and the Gengesh were summed up. The lists of the deputies, the representatives of the local executive authorities and local self-government will be published in print media in the coming days.
The new deputy corps of the national parliament includes 125 people's representatives, who will address the important tasks of the legislative support for the implementation of complex development programmes of the country for the next five years.
The certificates were awarded to the newly elected deputies of the national parliament in the Central Commission for Elections and Referenda of Turkmenistan.
It should be noted the high educational and professional level of the new deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the sixth convocation. Among them are the leading specialists of the main branches of the national economy and social sphere. The majority of the people's deputies are of 30-50 years old that vividly testifies to the inflow of new young forces into the socio-political life of the country. There are 31 women among the parliamentarians that makes up 25 percent of the deputy corps that proves the increasing role of women in the life of the Turkmen society.
Over 4,000 national and 142 international observers monitored the election campaign.
The monitoring results demonstrated the high level of preparation and organization of the election campaign.
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