I would like to express deep gratitude to the initiative group of the citizens nominated me for the presidential Elections and wish great successes in their work.
Turkmenistan achieved impressive successes in politics, economy and culture and entered the next level of its development for 25 years of the independence. It served to establishment of strong harmonic society, increase of civil self-consciousness and improvement of social and living conditions of people. New opportunities for revival and multiplication of national traditions and cultural heritages were opened.
Improvement of the authority of our country in the world’s arena brought to establishment of good relations with the states of the region and other countries of the world.
The success of our Motherland, large-scale activity for establishment of favourable life conditions of Turkmen people, modern plants, factories, specialized and high educational institutions, kindergartens, recreational and entertainment, scientific and medical centres, new settlements and villages, which were built and still under construction, are the symbol the Turkmenistan turned into one of the prosperous states of the world.
We need to work hard in the third millennium for further development of our country, for happy and prosperous life.
I outlined a number of systematic measures and set the following objectives for myself.
I assure the electorate that resting upon spiritual values I will take maximum efforts for implementation of all planned programmes for further development of national democracy, solidarity of the society, protection of national heritages and prosperous life of our people.
Following the status of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan, we will undertake the measures aimed at peaceful development of the state and increase of the authority of our country, which supports fraternal and friendly relations with all countries, in the world’s arena.
We will continue to expand good and mutually beneficial relations and cooperation, comprehensively consolidate traditionally friendly relations. We will bring our old experience of mutually beneficial partnership with interested sides to new quality level; therefore improve international authority of the Motherland, which is known as peace loving state.
We will pay special attention to the development of agriculture, which is important branch of the country. We will implement advance international and domestic practices for prevention of the salinity of arable lands, improvement of productivity of the crops, rational use of water.
We will establish new types of production and economic relations in agricultural complex. It will allow solving the issues of establishment of beneficial economic conditions for agricultural producers, deserving estimation of the work of the farmers, establishment of economic relations between the government and farmers. All of those will give strong impulse to the development of agricultural branch.
We will regularly support entrepreneurship activity for higher fertility of the lands, provision of food security, provision of raw materials and processing of the production.
We will arrange scientific and research institutes involved in seed growing of the cotton and wheat and other cultures in accordance with world standards. It will allow increasing harvest volumes, which quality and profitability will be on high level.
The policy in the agricultural sphere, successfully pursued in our country, is aimed at satisfaction of the population requirements in necessary goods by local production what allows to provide food independence. The investments, used for the development of agricultural complex, give broad opportunities for solution of this issue for the account of integrated transformation and modernization of production output of agricultural branch.
Number of livestock is planned to be increased in the country. Therefore, private farmer’s activity, support of which will enhance further saturation of our markets and shops with affordable meat and meat production, will occupy special place.
Turkmenistan is one of the largest energy state. The volume of oil and gas reserves of our country is huge. The work for diversification of export of Turkmen gas will be continued.
At present, numerous of perspective oil and gas deposits were explored on the territory of the country. Large investments are required for their development. Having provided correct and efficient work of existing gas mains, we will continue the work for supply of Turkmen energy carriers to foreign market.
Environment protection activity will remain in the focus of our attention. We will continue the work for arrangement of green spaces. We will hold in the focus the provision of plants and factories with ecological technologies, which will protect the environment more efficiently.
We will build comfort living houses in all places of our country. We will achieve more rapid rates of construction complex. We will pay special attention to diversification of our economy.
We will pay special attention to the development of textile complex and provide existing enterprises of this branch. We will build new and modernize existing factories in all places of our country.
Implementing advanced international practice to textile enterprises of our country, we will expand the work for achievement of high quality of textile and its demand in foreign markets. The development of this branch will be our main targets. The textile industry of Turkmenistan is famous as one of the advanced branches and it is necessary to undertake the work for briging of it to international standard level.
Currently, the textile production turned into the leading branch of national economy. Top modern high productive equipment of prestigious companies is installed at the enterprises; production of textile goods, which are on the great demands overseas, is arranged. Several new factories were put into operation and considerable contribution to national economy was made.
Besides the production facilities for improvement of social and living conditions of personnel, who work in different branches, modern living houses and shopping malls are built and put into operation. For establishment of additional employment for the population of etraps, involved in cotton growing, we consider the reasonability of building of new cotton-spinning factories, which production output will meet the production of cotton fibre. The Programme for further development of the branch includes increase the volumes of textile production for realization of it in internal and foreign markets. Fulfilment of these works will promote further consolidation of economic condition of the branch.
We will continue the development of National tourist zone “Avaza” on ecologically friendly coast of the Caspian Sea.
We will achieve the correspondence of our automobile roads of our country with the world’s standards building them rapidly and with high quality.
Transport and communication system of Turkmenistan is one of rapid developing branches giving high expectations in the future. The investments in this sphere are directed to establishment of international transport corridors, which have great future for economic potential of our Motherland. Automobile, railroad and air fleets will be supplemented with modern vehicles.
Implementing the principle “The state is for a human!” and the policy aimed at improvement of wellbeing of native people, the practice of increase of pensions, allowances, student grants and salaries will be continued.
Care for growing generation will remain the priority of the policy. Execution and implementation of adopted resolutions, bills and programmes for upbringing and education of physically fir and spiritually perfect growing generation will be the main objective
I would like to assure you that I would work selflessly for further development of our country, sparing no efforts for the improvement of the prosperity of Turkmen people and further increase of the authority of Turkmenistan.
I wish you strong health, long life and ever prosperity!
From the depth of my heart, I congratulate Esteemed President of Turkmenistan, other candidates for the highest government post and Turkmen people on the New Year! Let 2017 bring happiness and prosperity to all!
The biography of Jumanazar Annayev
Jumanazar Annayev was born in “Sakarchaga” gengeshlyk of Sakarchaga etrap of Mary velayat on August 26, 1966.
He graduated S. A. Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University as mechanical engineer in 1995.
In 1983, Jumanazar Annayev started his career as an employee of “Sakarchaga” farm association of Sakarchaga etrap and worked there until 1992. He served military duty in 1985 – 1987.
The candidate worked as deputy Chairman of “Sakarchaga” farm association of Sakarchaga etrap of Mary velayat.
Jumanazar Annayev was the Deputy Archyn of “Sakarchaga” gengeshlyk. He worked as quality control engineer in “Obahyzmat” production association of Sakarchaga etrap in 1998 – 1999.
Jumanazar Annayev was the Head of Agricultural Department of Sakarchaga Hyakimlik of Mary velayat in 1999 – 2000.
He worked as the director of “Obahyzmat” production association of Sakarchaga etrap of mary velayat in 2000 – 2001 and as the leaseholder of “Sakarchaga” farm association of the same etrap in 2001 - 2005.
Jumanazar Annayev worked as the engineer of “Gallahyzmat” service of Mary velayat in 2005 – 2007 and as the senior specialist and lately as the chief engineer of “Obahyzmat” production association of Sakarchaga etrap in 2007 - 2009.
In 2009 – 2013, Jumanazar Annayev worked as the head of agricultural complex of Sakarchaga etrap hyakimlik, the deputy hyakim and lately as the hyakim of Skarchaga etrap.
In December 2013, he was appointed as the Deputy Hyakim of Mary velayat.
Jumanazar Annayev is married and has three children.
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