17 Sept

Achievement of Akhan: An expressive touch in the portray of Turkmen horse

In addition to the honouring of the winner of the race during bright events on Caspian coast on occasion of the closing ceremony of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, another event, which would enter the history, took place. 

The Head of the State and all participants of the celebration were presented with the certificate of inclusion of horse Akhan from Ahalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan to the Guinness Record Book. Unusual abilities of the horse has been officially registered – it managed to pace rearing 10 meters for 4.19 seconds rearing, having beaten previous record in this unique nomination by two times. . 

Besides the jury – the representatives of the world known publication, who has registered similar record in the past, numerous spectators of the celebration in Avaza were also able to see the absolute pattern of this record with their own eyes. Having bowed to the public with artistry and honour, Akhan easily reared and walked gracefully in vertical position for some distance. 

Delighted foreign guest literally jumped from their seats trying to capture this incredible performance with their gadgets. Exclamations of surprise and rapture sounded in different languages from everywhere. Such impressive abilities of Akhan are not something unusual for Turkmenistan citizens who know very well what heights these horses are able to reach if they are bred by talented coach. Akhan is under patronage of Head of the State himself, who is skilful and experienced horse rider, coach, connoisseur and professional in horse breeding art. 

This record is another evidence of the efficiency of huge supporting activity of the President of Turkmenistan in revival and succession of wonderful traditions of national horse breeding. Historians consider ahalteke horses were the first breed, which development was done with direct participation of people. Selection of this pedigree horses has started in the III millennium BC on the territory of Ahal Oasis in Turkmenistan. This place gave the name to Turkmen horses. The breeding of ahalteke horses is made inside the flock without admission of the blood of other breeds. 

The Head of the State put invaluable efforts in protection and improvement of the glory of ahalteke horses. Turkmenistan turns into international centre of pedigree horse breeding and our horses and jockeys become the winners of big reviews, prestigious equestrian competitions and race tournaments abroad. 

This is also indicated by number of outstanding victories of national equestrian group Galkynysh on the world circus festivals. Their performance embodied luxury royal grace of ahalteke horses and their outstanding training, which is the result of painstaking efforts of the coaches. 

Achievement of Akhan from Ahalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan has added another expressive touch to the portray of Turkmen horse, another pearl drop to shining crown of its everlasting glory, which was originated in ancient times and, having travelled around the world, comes back in new splendour owing to the efforts of the Head of the State. 

It is symbolically that this pleasant event – the award of the certificate on inclsion of Akhan to the Guinness Record Book, fell on the ceremony in honour of the winners of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018. 

This project was based on the idea of revival of the Silk Road, which received big impulse for development from ahalteke horses, which were used to lay new routes of this legendary road , to accompany trade caravans and to send messengers. 

Meanwhile, the horse was not only the mean of transportation for Turkmens, literally it was a family member, subject of great care and affection. No wonder people say that the horse is a wing of a soul!

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