The world weightlifting championship, passing in our white marble capital Ashgabat, every day surprises us with its magnificence. In this world championship, which runs from 1 to 10 November of this year, the ranks of the strongest weightlifters continue to grow with new names of athletes. After this championship, the reputation of permanently Neutral Turkmenistan and the popularity of our capital will increase even more. About this championship in Ashgabat, which entered to the history of sport in weightlifting, famous coaches of all around the world repeat the words of gratitude.
In this world championship, in participating of many world stars, almost every day, there is a tense struggle between rivals, where in the end gets unexpected outcomes. This championship is different by that, because it includes 20 weight categories. Also, this championship is the first step towards winning the right to participate in the upcoming Olympic Games in Tokyo.
In the Olympic town of our capital, coaches, organizers of these significant competitions, guests and fans have all the necessary conditions. Also, about 500 volunteers from universities in Turkmenistan were trained to service the tournament. This gives our students the opportunity to gain an unforgettable experience.
For a broad overview of the events of international competitions were created websites in Turkmen, Russian and English languages. The events of these competitions are broadcast on the TV channel “Euronews”, as well as in another 145 countries of the world.
In this championship dozens of world records have been updated. The world championship in Ashgabat continues to delight us with its new records.
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