I would like express the gratitude to the members of the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan for nomination me as a candidate to the highest government position and wish them success in their work.
Grandiose and indeed historical events take place in political and social life of our state. The Presidential Elections, which will be held soon, are the important factor related to the future of our state. The elections, hold in accordance with the Constitution of Turkmenistan, indicates the triumph of democracy and improvement of legal culture of Turkmen society.
Declaration of 2016 as a Year of Honour of Heritage and Transformation of the Motherland had deep meaning. Turkmen people rests upon on the Constitution of Turkmenistan and national traditions, which give the inspiration and stimulus for achievements of new levels, in protection of national interests and spiritual and ethical values, guarantee of the rights and freedoms of every citizen, prosperity of the society and solidarity of the people.
In case of my election for the position of the President of Turkmenistan, I set the target to undertake following fundamental reforms aimed at provision of peace in the country and prosperous life of the people.
Diversification of economy of the country and support of the entrepreneurship is one of the priority directions of my programme as the economy of Turkmenistan is based on the principles of market relations. Turkmen entrepreneurs make considerable contribution to the development and consolidation of national economy of the country, export of competitive environmentally friendly production. The development of entrepreneurship is one of the priority directions of the state policy. Currently, the State supports small and medium business and established stable legal framework for entrepreneurship. New VII Chapter “Economy and Financial and Credit System” was included to the Constitution of Turkmenistan. Article 134 of the Main Law mentions that the State encourages, supports the entrepreneurship and promotes the development of small and medium business.
Support in financing, soft loans, establishment of the conditions for use of advanced world’s technologies and equipment during construction of new social and industrial facilities, reduction of taxes, improvement of credit and debit operations make new conditions for the development of private sector. Unified budget and financing, tax and credit policy is implemented in the country. “Rysgal” Joint Stock Commercial Bank, being the member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, will systematically support successful implementation of these processes.
Turkmen entrepreneurs will make considerable contribution to transformation of the appearance of cities and rural areas, will implement ecologically friendly modern technologies to production. Businessmen will manufacture furniture, carpets, construction materials, household and industrial goods, provide high quality services to the population.
High quality competitive goods, produced by our entrepreneurs, would be sold not only in local markets but also supplied to foreign countries, promoting the growth of demand for Turkmenistan goods. Establishment of the conditions for selfless work and prosperous life, improvement of social and living conditions of the population will improve the enthusiasm of people and their confidence in future. Domestic entrepreneurs will establish hundreds of small enterprises, which will create new employment for the youth. Number of private enterprises and entrepreneurs will increase in the future.
Turkmenistan is the only state in the world, which status of permanent neutrality is officially recognized by the United Nations what is proven by two Resolutions of the UN General Assembly on December 12, 1995 and June 3, 2015. Such principles as peace loving, cooperation and respect form the basis of international politics of Turkmenistan. Our country is opened for any beneficial ideas and proposals and always willing to negotiate with other states and international organizations.
Our independent Turkmenistan, adhered to the precepts of the ancestors to live in unity, peace-loving and friendly relations, committedly realizing the policy of permanent neutrality, would bring the cooperation with different world’s countries to new level.
From the first days of sovereign development, our Motherland established constructive political concept of permanent neutrality. Internal and foreign policy and political concept of Turkmenistan neutrality are based on the ideals of peace-loving and original national traditions. Turkmenistan will always adhere to such fundamental principles of neutrality as peace-loving, non-interference to internal affairs of other states, respect of their sovereignty and territorial integrity, establishment of equal and mutually beneficial relations, nonparticipation in international military organizations and treaties, use of exclusively political and diplomatic tools in solution of international issues.
For successful implementation of political concept of the neutrality, our country will continue supporting fruitful cooperation with competent international organizations and foreign states. Expansion of good and mutually beneficial relations, comprehensive consolidation of traditionally friendly connections, bringing of long-term cooperation to quality new level meeting national interest, active participation in implementation of events important for increase of the authority of our Motherland in the world arena as a peace-loving country, are the sacred duty of all of us.
In the future, Turkmenistan will multiply its huge authority in the world community as independent peace-making state implementing new programmes, which promote the stability. Our country, according to the “Concept of Foreign Policy Course of Turkmenistan for 2013 – 2017” will support bilateral and multilateral relations with the countries of the world in political and diplomatic, economic, legal, cultural and humanitarian spheres for the triumph of the humanity, order and good neighbourhood.
The development and realization of our natural deposits will influence not only the economic growth of our Motherland but also numerous countries of the world. Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas main is one of continental projects, which is implemented by the initiative of Turkmenistan. We will continue the works for realization of such projects like TAPI of regional importance in economic, transport and communication, social and humanitarian spheres.
The initiative of Turkmenistan for formation of international transport corridor in Asian region was proposed during the 65th, 66th and 70th sessions of the UN General Assemblies. Global Sustainable Transport Conference in Ashgabat in November of 2016 was visual evidence that our proposals for the development of transport and communication infrastructure are supported by the world community. We will continue such large-scale reforms, which are the main factor of the development of Turkmenistan. Fundamental measures for introducing of innovations and modern technologies to production and economic system of the country will be implemented.
We will implement integrated measures for realization of the projects, which enhance social and economic growth of Turkmenistan and efficient use of production potential of the regions taking into account geographic location, diversification of industrial branches and establishment of employment.
Grandiose transformations, undertaken in the country, bring Turkmenistan to new levels of progress. It promotes the formation of new production and social relations. That is why the present requires the formation of new generation of specialists, who are able to work in modern way, to create and manage. Large creative work of each of us is necessary for Turkmenistan, which is in new historical period, for prosperity of the country and people, political, economic and cultural progress of our Motherland as selfless work is the only key to prosperity of the country, happy life of every citizen. Happy and prosperous life of every citizen is our main objective.
Along with the development of the cities, special attention is paid to the development of the regions in our scientifically developed state programmes. Intensification of industrial development of velayats, improvement of social and living conditions of the population are the priority issue.
We will increase realization of grandiose projects for making Turkmenistan prosperous state. Owing to that, our villages, settlements and centres will have beautiful appearance. New districts will appear. New modern enterprises, large factories will be built. Social and living conditions of the citizens will be improved and employment issue will be solved. It will make the life of every citizen in the country to be happy.
Recognition of Turkmenistan as one of the strongest state in the world will be the outcome of this. I assure the electorate that in the future, resting upon the basis of our national democracy, solidarity of the society, cultural and spiritual values, I will take all efforts for improvement of social and living level of the people, development of national economy based on market relations, strengthening of food security, consolidation of the framework of legal state and solidarity of the people.
I will work side by side with the people for successful implementation of fundamental transformations, which guarantee the prosperity of our Motherland, improvement of its authority in the world arena and making Turkmen land to be prosperous region.
From the depth of my heart, I congratulate Esteemed President, other candidates and Turkmen people on the New Year!
I sincerely wish peace, longevity, health and family prosperity to every citizen of Turkmenistan!
The biography of Bekmyrat Sahetmyradovich Ataliyev
Bekmyrat Ataliyev was born in Tejen, Ahal velayat of September 4, 1976.
He graduated as economist from Magtumguly Turkmen State University in 1997.
Bekmyrat Ataliyev started his work career as the economist of credit department of the State Commercial Bank “Turkmenistan” and worked as the head of credit department, chief economist of credit department, assistant of board chairman of the bank, head of international accounts and currency operations department, head of monetary circulation and cash operations department and as the director in the same bank branch in Berkararlyk etrap until 2003.
In 2003 – 2011, he worked as the director of “Diyar” branch of “Turkmenistan” State Commercial Bank of Turkmenistan.
From December 2011, Bekmyrat Ataliyev is the Board Chairman of “Rysgal” Joint Stock and Commercial Bank.
Bekmyrat Ataliyev is married and has four children.
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