I set a primary purpose - to realize a range of measures aimed at ensuring the prosperity of independent neutral Turkmenistan in the third millennium.
Making every effort and carrying out great deeds for the sake of a happy and prosperous life of the native people and for sake of interests of our country is a high honor and merit.
The successful implementation of this program will pave the way for transformation of our Motherland – Turkmenistan into the country home for the happiest people, the further consolidation of the different stratums of our society, and even more prosperous happy life of native people.
One of the greatest democratic values we have inherited from our ancestors is making certain decisions on the country's development in consultation with the people and the wise elders. Pursuing ongoing policy I have always followed this principle, derived from ancestors, and in the future I also intends to strictly adhere it.
Over the years, framed with glory, we, taking advice from the elders, had done a lot for the good of the people. And in the future, going hand in hand with our brave citizens, we will implement the ambitious ideas that will raise the prestige of the state even higher, and the great goals to be achieved by the industrious people.
We are confidently proceeding on the glorious path entrusted by our ancestors. Opening for the present generations of the Turkmen people, being the creators of great state, a wide road to the developed world, we will move our beautiful homeland to the level of advanced countries. There are all possibilities available.
As the great thinker Magtymguly rightly pointed out, "Gifted with a blessed fate, has everything going right” - I firmly believe that all the achievements for the benefit of the people and country in our happy state will be successful!
The transformation of the beautiful Motherland to stable, happy and prosperous country, construction of white marble villages and towns in our beloved homeland, advances in all areas, bringing the life of the native people to the highest world standards are the core of the national programs.
As the great thinker Magtymguly exactly noted, "If the worthy man is given a prosperity, he will always get people’s support” – we, united with all citizens, living with them in perfect harmony, should revive in order to build a happy future.
For the successful implementation of the adopted programs, I set out the following main tasks:
— We will even more strengthen the fundamentals of the eternal and inviolable Turkmen state, significantly increase its economic potential. We will improve social and living conditions of our happy citizens and will raise spiritual perfection of the nation to higher levels;
— Reaching high productivity in industry, agriculture and business, we will introduce into practice the economic mechanisms of further increasing output of Turkmen goods, competitive on international markets, and we will bring per capita income to the level of advanced countries;
— Through the creation of conditions that will open up opportunities for the development of science and education, cultural and humanitarian spheres, and, relying on the rich national spiritual and cultural heritage, we will ensure that Turkmen people would be fame in the world as a nation-builder, people-creator;
— We will strengthen the social security of our people. In this regard, we will consistently improve legislation in accordance with modern requirements. Also, under the frames of State program “Health” we will provide medical services to our citizens at the level of developed countries. We will continue work on the construction of health centers, hospitals and therapeutic centers;
— We will successfully and consistently implement the National Program for the development of villages. We will improve the reclamation of cultivated areas. Guided by the principles of the ancestors, stated as “a drop of water is a grain of gold”, we will ensure sustainable use of water resources of the country and will build hydro-irrigation facilities designed for efficient water use. We will take all necessary measures for full water supply of acreage. We will introduce the most advanced technologies in the water economy of the country;
— Along the collectors, leading to the Turkmen Lake, we will create settlements with all the amenities for living and along these water reservoirs with a peculiar nature and plant life, we will create ample acreage of halophytes - plants that provide delicious fruit, growing at salty water;
— In accordance with the programs we will remain focused at the developing industrial sectors, creating electronic industry and transforming our country into the industrialized nation;
— We will create good social conditions for our citizens living in the cities and districts, and we will take all measures to ensure that all streets paved and lit, in order to provide conditions the similar to urban.
— We will reconstruct intercity and rural roads and bridges, and we will organize the work of passenger buses;
—By opening of the small centers of public services in all communities, we will facilitate opening there modern saunas, playgrounds for children and youth, health centers, cinema and concert halls, workshops of folk crafts, as well as centers for maintenance of vehicles;
— We will provide consistent population income growth;
— We will keep the focus on issues of increasing wages, pensions, scholarships and state benefits and provision of social benefits for citizens;
— We will take all measures to ensure the employment of citizens, especially youth, to provide them modern education;
— We will continue the construction of housing with all amenities, education, sports, health and resort centers, facilities for social and cultural purposes;
— We will continue to provide financial support to families, and by ensuring the allocation of the necessary funds for the solution of social tasks of each family, we will support successful solution of issues of family, being the primary unit of society, as well as issues of maternity and child health;
— We outline the development of tourism in accordance with international standards. Fundamental transformations of recreational and resort system will be one of the important areas of activity;
— We will ensure further improvement of the political system of our society and strengthening of local executive authorities, and higher democratizing public life;
— We will create favorable conditions for business development in industry and agriculture;
—In order to stably provide the market with food products at cheap and affordable prices, we will implement the necessary measures to increase the number of sheep, cattle and poultry, agricultural production in large volumes;
— We will improve the efficiency of local elected representative bodies - provincial, district and town people's councils, and we will raise the role of local governments – Gengeshi in the social and political system;
— And we will continue to create the necessary conditions for improving the work of the newly formed parties;
— In close cooperation with international organizations we will continue the struggle against international terrorism, extremism, transnational organized crime, drug trafficking, bribery;
— We will strengthen the power of the national army, naval forces, border units, vigilantly guarding the borders of the homeland, and we will improve the work of law enforcement agencies, as well as we will ensure the consistent equipping of our armed forces with modern weapons and improving social and living conditions of military personnel;
— We will pay special attention to the formation of a new generation of workers and professionals, who are able for skillful use all the latest communication and multimedia technologies;
— In order to put the country's natural resources for servicing prosperous life of citizens, we will modernize petroleum refining capacities, including the deep processing of hydrocarbon resources on the basis of the advanced technology, production of high demand high-quality products as gasoline polypropylene, liquefied gas;
— We will make every effort that the V Asian Indoor Games and Martial Arts to be held in Ashgabat, would demonstrate Turkmenistan’s high prestige in the international sporting world;
— And in the future we will continue to improve communications and broadcasting sector, and we will launch new space satellites that will perform activity for our national economy;
— By further developing National tourist zone "Avaza" at Caspian coast, we will turn it into one of the world's most famous recreation and health centers;
— For the effective use of alternative energy sources - solar and wind, we will render greater support to the promotion of this sector;
— Taking into account availability of climate and natural opportunities for the study of space, we will create the perfect Observatory, which would be equipped with telescopes of various sizes for observations by Turkmen and foreign specialists. It will have all necessary living quarters and offices;
— Along the beautiful banks of Turkmen rivers, we will work on broad footing to create resorts for those who like family tours and boat travelling, envisaging green areas at 40-50-km distant from each other;
— In gorges of the Kopetdag, Koytendag and Sumbar, in protected areas of Badhyz, on the banks of the Amu Darya, Murgab Rivers and Karakum-river, a number of recreation centers, to be built by efforts of Turkmen builders, would present all conditions for the visits of Turkmen and foreign travelers;
—Along the roads, leading to the provincial centers, every 40-50 kilometers we will start construction of resorts, which would be located in the dense forest belt with teahouses and landscaped grounds, campgrounds - small hotels, as well as modern maintenance centers;
— Combining our current achievements and rich traditions, inherited from the glorious states, founded by Oguz, we will reach the great spiritual revival and will confidently move forward and only forward to new heights of progress.
While transforming into paradise of our sacred Motherland, succeeded from our ancestors, we will rely on intellectual and spiritual potential of the native people.
May the God give us strength and support us in accomplishing these noble deeds.
The biography of Gurbanguly Myalikgulyevich Berdimuhamedov
Gurbanguly Myalikgulyevich Berdimuhamedov was born on June 29, 1957 in Babarap village of Gyoktepe Etrap of Ahal velayat of Turkmenistan.
The President of Turkmenistan graduated from Turkmen State Medical University in 1979.
From 1979 to 1997, Gurbanguly Myalikgulyevich Berdimuhamedov worked in different positions in the system of the Ministry of Public Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan. He occupied such positions as the lecturer, the associate professor of therapeutic dentistry department, the dean of stomatology faculty of the Turkmen Sate Medical University, the Director of the Dental Centre of the Ministry of Public Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan. The President received the doctorate thesis. He was awarded the doctorate in medicinal science and economy and is the professor and academician of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan.
In December 1997, Gurbanguly Myalikgulyevich Berdimuhamedov was appointed as the Minister of Public Health and medical Industry of Turkmenistan. Later, along with current position he was the General Director of Ashgabat International Medical Centre and acting Director of Turkmen State Medical University.
In April 2001, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was appointed as Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.
From December 21, 2006 by the decision of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan, he was acting President of Turkmenistan and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan.
On February 11, 2007, during national referendum, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was elected as President of Turkmenistan out of six candidates.
On February 14, 2007, during the XIX session of Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Myalikgulyevich Berdimuhamedov was officially inaugurated as President of Turkmenistan.
On October 25, 2011, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was awarded with the title of the Hero of Turkmenistan.
During the Presidential Elections on February 12, 2012, Gurbanguly Myalikgulyevich Berdimuhamedov was re-elected to this position among eight candidates.
The President of Turkmenistan is awarded with numerous domestic and foreign orders and medals.
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is Honoured Doctor and Academician of number of universities and academies of the world.
He likes sports and horse riding in free time.
The President speaks Russian and German languages
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is married and has a son and two daughters.
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