I would like to express deep gratitude to the initiative group of the citizens nominated me as a candidate to this responsible government position and wish them success in their work.
Turkmenistan was highly developing for the years of the independence. This is evidenced by considerable growth of the GDP. Long-term integrated projects for development and transformation of the country are successfully implemented together with the work for consolidation of legal status and democratic foundations of the state.
Turkmenistan pursues foreign policy based on the principles of humanity and tolerance. Our country is known as a peace supporter in the international arena.
For further development of the economy of the country, special attention will be paid to implementation of innovation technologies, advanced achievement of science and engineering.
Construction of automobile and railway roads, gas mains and power lines, which will exert positive influence on economic development of the state, will be continued. Besides, together with interested parties, we will study the opportunities of diversification of supply of Turkmen gas and electrical energy to foreign markets.
Turkmenistan, occupying favourable geopolitical location, has rich hydrocarbons resources. Considering this fact, we will undertake large-scale works in the future for successful realization of huge economic and natural potential for the prosperity of current and future generations of Turkmen people.
We will define perspective ways and routes of energy resources supply to the world’s markets.
We will continue developing number of riches natural treasuries of the country.
It is planned to improve the exploitation of existing and new gas mains.
“The Programme of Development of Oil and Gas Industry of Turkmenistan until 2030” stipulates to increase production and processing volumes of oil and gas several times. We are planning to improve the work of this branch in the future.
We will continue exploration of hydrocarbon reserves onshore as well as the work for development of oil and gas deposits in Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea. We will arrange the work for development of natural reserves.
We will establish ultimate infrastructure of pipelines network, different facilities and communications of oil and gas complex. Oil processing, development of oil, gas and chemical branches are the priority directions of this sphere. Implementation of all these plans will become the main direction of internal policy of our country.
Large work is undertaken in the country for construction of different facilities. Following this, our key target will be continuation of active construction of villages and cities, new comfort living houses in different regions of the country.
Special attention will be paid to development of education, public health and culture. We will continue rapid construction of schools and kindergartens, high and secondary educational institutions, new hospitals, resort and sanatorium complexes, social and cultural facilities provided with modern equipment.
We will build water purifying facilities and pipelines for provision of the population with clean drinking water.
We will keep the process of granting mortgage loan for those who wish to buy an apartment or to build individual living house. We will increase the loans to construction organizations for building of living estates. We will steadily implement programmes of construction of social and living facilities on the cities, villages and rural areas.
We will consolidate equipment and facilities base of agricultural complex and establish all conditions fruitful work and high yields of agricultural production, improving our welfare by selfless work.
Together with growing of wheat and cotton in the agriculture, we will activate the construction of hothouses, livestock and poultry complexes. Large attention will be paid to increase production of vegetables and cucurbitaceous cultures.
Special accent will be made on import substitution, increasing the volumes of export production at the same time.
We will increase financing of agricultural complex including the development of virgin lands, increase of water reservoirs outputs, procurement on necessary agricultural equipment and chemicals for plant protection. Seed growing, selection and implementation of new technologies are also key targets of the branch.
Economic growth of Turkmenistan gave impulse to development of private sector. Our businessmen improve their activity by study of the practices of large foreign companies. Turkmens have proverb “Learn from the master is a good deed”. Today, domestic entrepreneurs carry out the construction of numerous industrial, social and living facilities. Government support of privates sector of economy, small and medium entrepreneurship, grant of beneficial loans will be continued.
Development of public physical and fitness movement and sport are also priority direction of the state policy of Turkmenistan, which is aimed at improvement of health of the nation, upbringing of physically fit and spiritually rich young generation of the country, which is confidently move forward along the way of fundamental transformations.
Construction of stadiums, sport complexes and provision of them with modern sport equipment are undisputable evidence of this. The construction of the Olympic village – the largest sport facility in the Central Asia, is in the final stage. V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts games will be held in Ashgabat in 2017. We are confident that this large sport event on high organizational level will improve the reputation and the authority of the country.
Development of sport and Olympic movement, active involvement of the youth, stimulation of Turkmenistan citizens to go in for sport and live healthy lifestyle as well as improvement of working skills and reveal of art capabilities will be our main target.
Wide development of tourist capabilities of our country, travel industry, establishment of modern and high quality conditions for tourists and economic improvement of this sphere will be important direction of our work.
We will increase the construction of health centres and high-class hotels in national tourist zone “Avaza”. Propaganda of recreational capabilities of our country for increase of number of tourists coming from the whole world is be our main objective.
We will continue protection of the rights of the citizens, which are guaranteed by the Constitution of Turkmenistan, for scientific and inventive activity, purchase of comfort living, marriage, education, health protection, work and rest, etc. These objective are followed from systematic increase of income of the population, increase of salary, pension, scholarships, government allowances, maintenance of social benefits and material support of the family.
We will assist in privatizations of the apartments by the citizens, in direct privatization and free accommodations from the state living fund of our country.
We will work diligently for the sake of our people, consolidation of power of the state and further improvement of the authority of our beloved Motherland.
I am confident that the electorates participating in the presidential Elections will vote for the candidate who will continue properly the work for further prosperity of our Motherland.
I cordially congratulated Esteemed President of Turkmenistan, other candidates and Turkmen people on the coming New Year!
The biography of Ramazan Mustapakulyevich Durdyev
Ramazan Mustapakulyevich Durdyev was born in Galkynysh etrap of Lebap velayat on February 18, 1963.
He graduated as chemistry process engineer from Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute in 1985.
Ramazan Durdyev started his work career as the process equipment engineer in Seydi Oil Refinery.
He worked as the section manager of trade and raw material workshop, the manager of this workshop, the head of equipment and facilities provision department, the deputy commercial director as well as the head of transport department of Seydi Oil Refinery from 1989 to 1998.
In 1998 – 2000, Ramazan Durdyev was the base director of the State Concern “Turkmendokuhimiya” in Galkynysh etrap of Lebap velayat.
He worked as the deputy manager, the head of equipment and facilities provision and equipment assembly department, the deputy director of transport and general affairs of Seydi Oil Refinery in 2001 – 2014.
In December 2014, Ramazan Durdyev was appointed as the Director of Seydi Oil Refinery.
He is married and has three children.
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