I would like to express the gratitude to the initiative group of the citizens, which proposed my candidacy to the president of Turkmenistan and wish them great successes in their work.
Our people, resting upon its creational capabilities, achieved great successes in politicsm economy, science and culture for the short period. For 25 year of the Independence, Turkmenistan, having consolidated fruitful relations with other states, turned into one of the important members of the world community.
Great successes in transport and communication, telecommunication and information technologies were achieved recently, which increase international authority of our state. Launching of our own satellite opened new stage of the development of domestic communication system.
Legal framework of large-scale transformations in all spheres of the economy is guaranteed by the adoption of new edition of the Constitution of Turkmenistan.
The norms of the Main Law touch upon political, economic and social issues of not only today but also oriented at next and future prospect of the country development, the Constitution of Turkmenistan reflects national traditions and life experience of Turkmen people, principles of democratic, legal and temporal state.
In case of my election as the President of Turkmenistan, I set the target to achieve the main target that guarantees legal rights and interests of the people.
I would like to assure my electorate that consolidation of legal and democratic basis of our state and society will be the priorities of my programme.
Improvement of legislative system, development of new bills, which are to enhance realization of social and economic programmes and projects and oriented at further prosperity of our country, will be continued.
I will continue to undertake actual measures, aimed at consolidation of relations of good neighbourhood, friendship and fruitful cooperation between the states and peoples, which are united by centuries-old historical and cultural relations.
I would like to assure the electorate that I will expand the policy of peace and mutually beneficial cooperation, which is based on the status of the neutrality, establishment of sustainable, stable, flexible and balanced system of international relations in economic and humanitarian spheres, consolidating the authority of independent neutral state of Turkmenistan and actively promoting peace-making processes.
Our Motherland is one of the rapidly developing countries and current topical target to develop harmonically different branches on innovative base and improvement of social and economic conditions of the people.
Therefore, it is necessary to do the following:
- To implement new technologies into agriculture using advanced world’s practices;
- To solve employment issue in different branches of economy by establishment of new work places;
- To satisfy the requirements of the population in food products by holding the prices on achievable level and steadily increasing salaries;
- To bring the pensions to the world level and to reduce the taxes for the citizens unable to work, who receives government allowances and benefits, improving the quality of service;
- To pursue the policy of delivery of goods produced in our country and to open new enterprises for processing of imported raw materials;
- To undertake deep transformations in agriculture for provision of new work places to the population in all parts of the country;
- To provide industrial enterprises, agricultural associations in rural areas with modern equipment;
- To intensify the work for establishment of agricultural companies and complexes with full cycle of production of food items;
Large support will be rendered to the cotton industry. We will increase payments for cotton sale. Thus, we will establish necessary conditions for the farmers, who interested in cotton growing.
Large attention will be paid to training of qualified agricultural specialists.
Involving experienced farmers, we will establish specialized school for professional training of the youth and information centres in farmers associations.
We will build agricultural professional and technical schools and training centres in all etraps.
We will establish necessary conditions for training of great number of specialists, who love the land and well aware of modern equipment.
To attract competent specialists for work in agricultural industry, we have to pay special attention to improvement of work of scientific and research farms at high educational institutions.
The great future is seen behind realization of such specific measures as improvement of scientific works and opportunities of existing agricultural scientific and research institutes.
Environment protection, quality control of food products, which are the guarantee of the health of people as well as development of sport and health-improving movement related to the care of the future of the nation, will be important provisions of my Programme. In this regard, special attention will be attached to upbringing of physically fit and highly moral youth.
The focus of agricultural policy on establishment of food abundance, provision of stable growth of agricultural production for increase and support of farmer’s associations, their entire technical rearming and modernization of all structures of agricultural complex are one of my utmost objectives.
Large-scale reforms in educational and scientific spheres will be continued. Education is one of the major conditions defining the future of the country, spiritual, social, economic and cultural development of the society. That is why it is important to continue the work for further bringing of the science and education to international level, establishment of the conditions for harmonic development and expansion of the knowledge of the youth.
Comprehensively studying rich cultural heritage, traditions and customs of Turkmen people, we will continue using it in upbringing of young generation.
The measures for improvement of ideological works and bringing the activity of cultural and humanitarian organizations to the world level will be undertaken.
We will define further measures for the development of Avaza National tourist zone.
We will continue large-scale construction of recreational centres and resort infrastructure in other beautiful places of Turkmenistan in order to attract not only our citizens but the tourists from different countries as well.
The works for improvement of secondary and high educational institutions, increase of qualification of our citizens will be carried out for receiving of comprehensive education by our youth.
The care for the health of the population remains in the centre of our attention. Establishing new medical facilities, we will provide them with world class equipment and continue the work for improvement of professional skills of medical personnel.
The measures for development of public sports and sport and health improving movement are related to the care of the future of the nation. In this regard, main attention will be paid to construction of sport schools, centres and training gyms in different parts of our country.
The state will continue rendering comprehensive support to rural people.
We will continue procurement of best in the world specialized equipment for agricultural needs and use large financial means for development and urban planning of the villages and settlements in each etrap.
We will pay attention to construction of living complexes in velayats, cities, etrap centres, villages and settlements, to the development of transport, public health, culture and education. We will establish all necessary conditions for this.
Foreign policy of Turkmenistan is aimed at establishment of the conditions for sustainable and reliable development of the states and peoples, wide and efficient equal mutually beneficial cooperation, which is built on trust, respect and good relations.
We will continue cooperation in the future with neighbouring states and other countries of the world.
Rest assure that together with our honest, hard-working and united people I will work enthusiastically, taking all efforts and abilities, for further prosperity of our Motherland.
I wish you success in your work and prosperity in 2017, which will be held under the slogan “The Year of Health and Inspiration”.
The biography of Meretdurdy Isgenderovich Gurbanov
Meretdurdy Isgenderovich Gurbanov was born in Kunyaurgench of Dashoguz velayat on August 11, 1976.
In 1998, he graduated as agronomist from S. A. Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University.
He worked as the agronomist of Akgala Farmers Association of Kunyaurgench Cotton Ginning Enterprise in 1999 - 2000.
Meretdurdy Gurbanov was the head agronomist, the cottonseeds specialist, the cotton sorter of the reception facility of Kunyaurgench Cotton Ginning Enterprise in 2000 - 2014.
He work as the hyakim assistant of Kunyaurgench etrap in 2004 – 2009. In 2009 – 2012, he worked as the chief specialist of agricultural department, hyakim assistant and the executive secretary of hyakimlik administration of Dashoguz velayat. He worked as the hyakim of Gubadag etrap of Dashoguz velayat in 2012 – 2015.
In April 2015, was appointed as the deputy Hyakim of Dashoguz velayat for agriculture.
Meretdurdy Gurbanov is married and has four children.
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