I express my deepest gratitude and wish success in the work of the initiative group of citizens, who nominated my candidacy for the highest state post.
Permanently Neutral Turkmenistan, pursuing the path of reforms and progress in the era of power and happiness, has in the past 25 years of sacred independence achieved great success. Today our fatherland is steadily moving forward towards new highly set goals.
Public policy in harmoniously developing Turkmenistan is aimed at ensuring a prosperous life for its entire population. The country has successfully implemented national programs in trade-economic, scientific-technical, cultural, humanitarian and other spheres.
People of Turkmenistan fully support great transformations directed on strengthening stability in the country and improving the social conditions of life of the population up to the level of developed countries of the world, and are infinitely proud of the achievements and victories of the country, trying to make their worthy contribution therein.
I believe that to further strengthen the country's economy, the state should center its attention on such issues as achievement of high economic growth, sustainable use of natural resources, increasing the production capacity of enterprises, further development of fuel and energy, chemical, textile and agricultural sectors, support for individual entrepreneurship and business, ensuring wide inclusion of state economy into global economic system, strengthening and expansion of foreign trade and economic relations, preparation of a well-balanced deficit-free budget, preservation of national currency rate, as well as the sustainable development of all sectors during the ongoing global crisis and social protection of citizens.
First of all, the strengthening of the economic power of the country involves harmonious development of basic sectors, namely oil and gas, energy, chemical and light industry, agriculture, trade and tourism. Accelerated growth of these areas directly affects the improvement of social and living standards of the population.
Turkmenistan is a country rich in minerals. At present, our country has taken a firm place among major energy powers and successfully implements its strategy in the energy sector on the basis of its rapid development, performing systematic work on the development and arrangement of oil and gas fields. In this regard, the formation of multi optional system of supply of Turkmen energy to the world markets is a major challenge. We shall continue to extend the implementation of large-scale set of activities in this direction in order to strengthen the economic power of the country and strengthen the position of our country on the world stage. Our main goal is the rational use of our national resources in the interests of our people and Motherland.
Turkmenistan is implementing specific projects to ensure delivery of its energy resources to world markets. A clear evidence of this is the beginning of construction of transnational gas pipeline Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India.
Our country has a powerful, rapidly growing energy industry. This industry is viewed as the key to our development. In the future, we will continue exports of electricity. In this regard, we will make every effort to implement the project of construction of Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan power transmission lines.
Based on the Constitution of Turkmenistan, we have chosen our own model of socially-oriented economy with a gradual transition to a market economy, which already shows specific results. The national economy is developing rapidly, with social conditions of the population systematically improving. Due to the policy of “open doors”, export and import relations of our country are constantly expanding and improving.
As part of the State Program to increase the export volume of goods produced in Turkmenistan, in addition to oil, natural gas and electricity, the focus will also be given to improve export capacity of finished products of chemical, textile and agricultural industry. To ensure successful implementation of this objective, development of these areas, as well as production of construction materials will be the main goals of the State. We will carry out wide reforms in the sectors of transport and communications, tourism and other areas with huge potential to strengthen the economy of our country.
Significant progress in the field of transport can be seen through examples of construction of Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran railway, Atamyrat-Ymamnazar (Turkmenistan) - Akina (Afghanistan) railroad and International sea port in Turkmenbashy, which reinstate the unprecedented progress of our country. That is why we give priority to the transport and communications sector development.
Construction and commissioning of the new International airport in the capital of our country and development of the national tourist zone “Avaza”, which hosts first-class hotels with international standards, provide ample opportunity for the development of the tourism industry. Therefore, we also plan to work in this direction.
Conduction of V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games in our country is an example of recognition of the authority of our country and acknowledgment of Ashgabat as an international sports center. We shall continue to work on the development of sports and support for civil sports and recreation movement.
The transformation of villages and provision of decent living conditions for rural residents is our primary goal. In the era of power and happiness, our country is implementing a program for the development of Turkmen villages. Within its framework, we join forces and ensure the implementation of all measures for the construction of residential buildings, modern socio-cultural facilities at the expense of own funds of the population, as well as through preferential credits of the state, reconstruction of roads, electricity, gas and water supply networks, and creation of other facilities necessary to bring social and living conditions in the countryside to urban standards.
The main objective as part of the State Program for production of import-substituting goods in Turkmenistan is to create conditions to ensure the abundance of agricultural products, production of rich crop yields and profits by farmers, and availability of high-quality products at reasonable prices for final customers. The climatic conditions of our country make it possible to produce a wide range of agricultural products - from organic fruit and vegetables to valuable raw materials for textile industry and other industries.
Establishing of production of finished goods at the expense of processing of agricultural products, formation of individual processing facilities, as well as construction of modern greenhouses, cold stores and livestock systems in local villages will make a major contribution to the availability of food products.
The focus will always be given to matters of employment of the population, in connection with which we will continue to put into operation projects of social and industrial purpose, assuring the creation of new jobs and continued support of small and medium-sized businesses.
Protection of public health and upbringing of physically strong young generation is a priority in our state policy. State Program «Saglyk», adopted in the years of independence, serves to promotion of healthy lifestyle in our society. Ashgabat and all regions of the country have built and put into operation modern medical facilities, health resorts and wellness centers that meet international standards. We will continue construction of such facilities in the future.
Improving the quality of all types of medical and other services to the population, concern for human health, organization of activities of all institutions and services concerned with improving working conditions of the people will continues to be at the center of our attention.
Successful development of science and education is one of the main conditions for progress and prosperity of each state. Based on it, this area will be given special importance. The younger generation will be surrounded by great attention. Parenting fully literate, highly skilled, educated, healthy and encouraged young people will be the main concern of the state.
We will conduct comprehensive work on the development of education and science, and upbringing of a new generation of Turkmen scientists.
Over the past 25 years of independence, Turkmenistan has carried out extensive work to enrich the spiritual life of the people. The focus will remain on issues of cultural development, respect for the national heritage, education of young people into highly moral individuals. This will ensure harmony of rich cultural heritage with modern life and serve to further the spiritual development of the nation.
We will continue our foreign policy based on the status of permanent neutrality, directed to strengthen peace, friendship and good neighborly relations in the region and the world, to raise the mutually beneficial cooperation with various countries and international organizations to the next level.
Independent, permanently neutral Turkmenistan in the epoch of power and happiness is rapidly moving forward. Each of us faces big, important tasks related to the implementation of programs to ensure a happy life of the present and future generations of the Turkmen people. I am confident that for successful implementation of these objectives, we, together with all citizens of Turkmenistan, shall work productively and reach new heights.
I wish success to other candidates in the upcoming elections.
May 2017 - The Year of Health and inspiration - will be marked by new achievements and progress of our country.
Long live peace and Turkmen people! Long live peace and our sacred Fatherland - Turkmenistan!
Biography of Jelilov Serdar Begmuhammedovich
Born August 25, 1965 in Ashgabat.
In 1991 graduated from the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction as engineer-economist.
Started his career in 1980, as a seasonal worker at repair and construction site of “Garagumsenagatgurlushykmateriallary”. In 1982-1983 held the position of senior accountant on this site.
In 1985 worked as a senior accountant on the site of “Garagumsenagatgurlushykmateriallary”.
From 1985 to 1993 worked at the plant of industrial building materials of Akhal province as senior accountant, deputy chief accountant.
In 1993-1994 - Head of Financial Control and Planning Department of Social Welfare Administration of Ahal welayat.
From 1994 to 2005 served as chief accountant in hakimlik of Ahal welayat. In 2005-2009 worked as head of the department of Economy, Trade and Entrepreneurship, chief accountant in hakimlik of Ahal welayat.
In 2009-2011 - Head of the Department of Finance of Ruhabat district in Ashgabat.
From 2011 to 2013 - Head of Finance Administration in Agribusiness of the Ministry of Finance.
Since May 2013 - Head of the Department of Economy and Development of Ahal welayat.
Married and has four children.
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