07 Jan


I express gratitude and wish success in the work of the initiative group of citizens, who nominated my candidacy for the post of the President of Turkmenistan.

In the era of power and happiness of our sovereign state we are going through profound transformation in all spheres of the economy, implementing into practice development programs in welayats, etraps, towns and villages. At the same time, in accordance with generally accepted international norms, we are improving state administration system, legal and electoral systems.

In case of my election as President of Turkmenistan, I will make every effort to achieve progress in the implementation of the following points of my election program for the benefit of the Turkmen people.

In order to turn Turkmenistan into one of the industrialized countries, we will continue the construction of industrial facilities, plants and factories.

We carry a wide range of activities related to the development of agriculture in Turkmenistan. In particular, we shall continue selection work for the purpose of breeding new varieties of early maturing fine-fibered cotton, with rich harvest, and highly regarded in the global market. In addition, we shall increase the export of wheat abroad by increasing acreage.

We shall create abundance of food products in our country, continue to provide state support to farmers' associations, tenants, as well as technical re-equipment and modernization of structures to ensure steady supply of agricultural complex, shall continue to support the initiatives of private entrepreneurs.

We shall develop new methods for the effective use of land and water resources; expand the acreage for rice, sesame and other crops. Boosting the productivity of vegetables, melons and fruit trees, we shall create necessary preconditions for the expansion of export capacity of Turkmenistan.

The rate of growth of the national economy also depends on the development of information and communication technologies, thus, we shall pay particular attention to this matter.

Effectively developing oil and gas fields of our country, we shall increase the volume of deliveries of hydrocarbons abroad. At the same time, we shall continue to work on the diversification of fuel and energy complex, including by increase in the diversity of product range.

It is envisaged to pay special attention to the development of the chemical industry. We shall ensure construction and commissioning of new facilities and reconstruction of existing plants in different parts of our country.

We shall also continue systematic work related to production of agricultural fertilizers. At the same time, we shall take all necessary measures for training of specialists for construction of chemical plants.

Availability of large amounts of natural gas reserves in Turkmenistan requires commissioning of new facilities for production of nitrogen fertilizers, particularly urea. Taking this into attention, we shall give special importance to the development of ammonia-urea manufacturing capacities.

Particular emphasis shall be placed on construction of new industrial facility of special importance - chemical plant “Garabogazkarbamid”, with production capacity of 1.155 million tons of urea per year in the city of Garabogaz, Balkan welayat. Products of this company will be fully exported.

We shall successfully fulfill the plan to increase the pace of industrialization of our country, to diversify the economy, increase manufacturing capacity of products that are in great demand in the world markets.

We shall continue to build new industrial zone on the premises of Turkmenabat chemical plant to produce sulfuric acid with production capacity of 500 thousand tons per year, which is one of the most important objects within the structure of State Concern “Turkmenhimiya”.

Through commissioning of new industrial complexes we shall further increase the production of nitrogen fertilizers. We shall expedite the work on establishing manufacturing of greatly demanded on the global market potassium fertilizers on the basis of raw material deposits in Garlyk, Garabil and Tyubegetan.

Turkmenistan is one of the world leaders in reserves of hydro-mineral resources. Currently, on their basis, we produce various mineral salts, iodine and other products. The development of this sector will play an important role in the general development of our national economy.

Our focus shall remain on the development of industrial production in the gulf of Garabogazgol, one of the largest world fields of sodium sulfate and other minerals. In addition, the mineral reserves of the gulf, representing refillable natural wealth, are a source of magnesium and sodium salts.

At present, production association “Garabogazsulfat” produces various products, such as Glauber's salt (sodium sulfate), magnesium (epsomite) and magnesium chloride (bischofite). The programs of development of the chemical industry of Turkmenistan envisages an increase in industrial production of these products through integrated development of hydro-mineral resources of Garabogazgol.

For production of iodine and bromine we can use passing water on gas fields as chemical composition of such water is identical to the composition of iodine and bromine enriched water. In addition, a great future could be seen in organization of production of iodine and bromine based organic and inorganic substances.

At present, chemical industry has become one of the leading sectors of the national economy. Chemical plants existing in our country, having mastered the latest, high-tech equipment of world leading companies, are producing a range of products that are in demand abroad. Several plants have been constructed and commissioned, which contributes to the diversification of the national economy. We also consider it important to construct a plant to produce caustic soda, chlorine and chlorinated products in Balkan welayat.

For our country, possessing sufficient natural gas and electricity reserves, production of the abovementioned products for domestic and foreign markets is beneficial from economic point of view. Development of Turkmenistan's transportation infrastructure and policy on interconnection with international transportation system will facilitate the export of chemical products in large volumes.

The state policy is based on carrying for every citizen, which is reflected in our state motto “The state - for the people”. And every citizen of our country, in response to this care, is to make his due contribution to the prosperity of our Motherland. We need hard and inspired work to better our life, to strengthen the power of our state, to further enhance its credibility in the world.

Turkmenistan, having reached great success in social and political life, social development, and moving towards high frontiers through spiritual and cultural revival, ensures a happy life of present and future generations.

We will increase the production of electricity, will pay special attention to the construction of new high-voltage transmission lines and substations, development and reconstruction of power distribution systems, lighting and power supply of cities and villages. This will completely solve the matter of power supply in Turkmenistan. In addition, it will serve to enhance successful international cooperation, strengthen partnerships, increase the level of mutual trust, which defines the basic principle of Turkmenistan's energy policy on the international arena.

We shall create a complete and flexible system of strategic planning by organizing a scientifically based control system for micro- and macro-economic processes in our country. We shall improve the financial, monetary system, fiscal and pricing policies, strengthen the national currency. We shall also continue to improve banking, master the international financial reporting standards, and raise the level of automation in banking structures.

We shall contribute to further implementation of reforms in educational and scientific fields. We shall create all necessary conditions to bring Science and Education in our country to international level, for harmonious development of young people, for expanding their horizons. Particular importance will be paid to reforms within the national health system, construction of modern health centers, strengthening of material-technical base of this vital sector.

In order to prepare highly qualified generation we envisage to create conditions in higher, special and secondary schools to empower professional development of youth. All necessary conditions will be created for those wishing to study in foreign countries. After graduation, we will help young people in finding employment in their field of studies.

In the foreign policy of Turkmenistan, in accordance with the recognized status of permanent neutrality, we, as before, shall pursue a policy of “open doors”, work on the development of friendly and mutually beneficial relations with various countries of the world, especially with our neighbors.

I want to assure you that I shall put all my strength, knowledge and experience for further development of our country, improving the welfare of its people, raising the profile of Turkmenistan in the international arena.

I wish success to other candidates in the upcoming elections.

We have entered into new 2017 year with great enthusiasm. I heartily congratulate distinguished President of Turkmenistan, other candidates and good-hearted people of the country with the Year of Health and Inspiration!

Let the new, 2017 year will be one of the most successful, prosperous and abundant.



The biography of Nurnepesov Suleymannepes Oraznepesovich


Born on April 6, 1957 in the town of Serdar in Balkan welayat.

In 1980 graduated from Turkmen Agricultural University named after SA Niyazov, in specialty of mechanical engineer.

In 1981-1988 worked as mechanical engineer in the management of irrigation systems of production association “Balkansuvhodzhalyk”.

From 1988 to 1993 - art director of the House of Culture of railwaymen, Serdar town of Balkan welayat. In 1993-2000 worked as procurement engineer for “Guvlyduz” plant in Balkan welayat.

In 2001-2012 – supply specialist, Deputy General Director of Procurement, and then acting Director General of “Garabogazsulfat” production association.

Since February 2012 - Director General of production association “Garabogazsulfat” of State Concern “Turkmenhimiya”.

Married and has four children.

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