Turkmen carpet has been a treasure trove of common human culture for thousands of years and continues to be high admiration of sublime art. This art is well known for its beauty to a great extent all over the world and passed on from one generation to another.
The art of Turkmen carpets is been appreciated on a scientific basis for its particular style and has special attention in restoring the most ancient specimens. Our Esteemed President has a deep concern regarding the development of hand-woven carpets and ancient carpet weaving traditions of the Turkmen people. More precisely, our Turkmen Leader makes a significant contribution to the promotion of the ancient traditions of the national carpet art by ascribing special honor to the beauty of Turkmen carpets with sole-authored “Janly rowaýat” and “Arşyň nepisligi” accomplishments. A quote from “Janly rowaýat” book: “Our wonderful carpets are the distinct treasure of our state and equated with unparalleled works of art” is a meritorious quote of our esteemed President.
Traditional Turkmen carpet-making art has been added to UNESCO’s Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The decision was made at the 14th session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage, which took place on December 14th in the capital of Columbia, Bogota. Carpets and carpet products are an integral part of the culture of Turkmen people, appearing today as a result of the unique talent and diligence of Turkmen women recognized by the world community.
Let the sensational fame of the Turkmen carpet makers be stronger than ever in the 2020 year declared as “Turkmenistan – is the Motherland of Neutrality”!
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