On November 28, a session of the Central Commission for Holding Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan was held, dedicated to preparation of the first elections of the members of the Halk Maslahaty of Milli Gengesh.
Members of the Central election commission, representatives of working groups established under the Central election commission, high officials of political parties and public organizations of the country and mass media took part in the session.
The agenda of current session included number of subjects related to organization of coming elections. According to the Resolution of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, this important public and political action is appointed to be held on the last Sunday, March 2021.
The Central Election Committee has approved calendar plan of events on preparation to and conduct of the election. The Resolution of the Central Commission for Holding Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan announces the beginning of election campaign from January 2, 2021.
During the session, the participants have discussed organizational issues of coming campaign. In particular, necessary documents, which includes guidelines and leaflets, have been approved.
The participants of the session have outlined the provision of transparency and wide alternative base of the election among the utmost objectives, in which regard the importance of events on explanation of the meaning and objectives of creative home and foreign policy of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the population has been highlighted.
Information of the heads of provinces and Ashgabat city election committees on preparation of coming elections as well as organization of events on different levels, where the main role is also given to awareness work among the population, has been presented.
The participants of the session have expressed confidence that formation of fundamentally new two-chamber structure of National Parliament would make favorable conditions for strengthening of legal base of political development of independent Turkmenistan, enhancement of efficiency of work of the government power authorities.
Other organizational issues, on which relative decisions have been made, were reviewed at the session of the Central election commission.
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