According to Article 63 of the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, the campaign begins on the day of registration of the candidate and ends on the day before the election day.
It should be noted from the outset that equal conditions have been created for all candidates to act in a state of openness and transparency following the highly organized and national democratic principles of our country.
During these meetings, voters had the opportunity to get acquainted with the biographies of the candidates as well as with the detailed action plans of our esteemed President aimed at the implementation of humanitarian initiatives within the framework of this campaigning activity. Also, candidates have responded to the questions of the voters actively and transparently with the participation of the trustees of the candidates and national observers.
A total of 24 meetings were held for a total of 112 registered candidates across the country, each meeting was attended by several candidates.
Decisions, regulations and guidelines, news and reports made by the Central Election Commission regarding the election season were regularly updated promptly on the website of the Central Election Commission (
On Sunday - March 28, velayat, Ashgabat city halk maslahaty is tasked with the duty to elect eligible and more worthy people based on indirect suffrage by secret ballot for membership in the Halk Maslahaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan.
Thus, on election day 112 candidates will contest for 48 mandate, that is 2-3 candidates will compete for 1 place.
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