The Central Commission for Holding Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan has held a meeting.
At the meeting, the final results of the important political event held in our country on March 28 this year – the election of members of the Halk Maslahaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan – have been summed up.
As is known, these elections were held under the electoral law and based on indirect suffrage. Elected members of the Halk Maslahaty of Milli Gengesh will make a worthy contribution to the implementation of national programs in the next five years which are of great importance for the further development of all spheres of life of our state.
The chairman of the Commission for Holding Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan has granted the identity cards to those elected to the Halk Maslahaty from the velayat and Ashgabat city.
Our esteemed President emphasizes the importance of exercising the constitutional right of the citizens of our country to express their views and to take an active part in issues of state importance.
All stages of elections were held based on openness and transparency under the Constitution of our country, the Electoral Code, and international norms. All candidates had equal conditions for pre-election activities and equal opportunities to organize meetings with voters.
At the initiative of our National Leader, the creation of a qualitatively new bicameral structure of the national parliament will ensure the strengthening of the legal framework for the development of independent Turkmenistan and the efficient character of working state authorities.
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