Under the wise leadership of our esteemed President, the issue of democratization of the socio-political life of our country on the basis of a far-sighted state policy is one of the important directions. The various elections held in our secular and legal state are also important for the democratization of society.
Thanks to the direct support of the Head of State, elections in our homeland are held in accordance with democratic principles, and the work of the electoral system is being further improved.
In order to get a detailed acquaintance with the work of the electoral system, on December 23, 2021, at the Central Election Commission, students of the second season in the direction “Advanced training of employees of local executive authorities and local self-government bodies” of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan underwent practical training.
In production practice, they were given a broad understanding of the work carried out to conduct elections in an organized and democratic manner, the preparation and conduct of elections and referendums, the amendments and additions made to the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, about election commissions, the electoral system, electoral law, and also discussed the features elections of members of the Halk Maslahaty Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, which were first held in our country on March 28 this year.
The participants of the internship expressed their sincere gratitude to our President Arkadag for the opportunity to study, work and improve their qualifications in the country of the celebration of democracy. We also heartily congratulated our esteemed President and the entire Turkmen people on the upcoming year 2022.
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