The Mission of Observers from the Commonwealth of Independent States, which arrived in Ashgabat at the invitation of the Turkmen party in connection with the upcoming presidential elections in Turkmenistan on March 12, has started its work.
Observers, within their powers determined by the relevant legal regulations, will observe the election campaign course, as well as the voting on the day of the elections. The mission was headed by L. Anfimov, First Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee and Executive Secretary of the CIS.
During the meeting held on February 28 with the leadership of the Central Commission for Holding Elections and Referenda in Turkmenistan, international observers got acquainted with the activities planned by the CEC and, in general, with the work done on sites.
As was noted, the present election campaign reflects the basic principles of current international standards such as universal suffrage, voluntary participation of citizens in elections held on an alternative basis, providing equal opportunities for all nominated candidates, freedom of campaigning, protection of the electoral rights of citizens, as well as publicity and openness.
Speaking about the importance of participation of international observers in the upcoming social and political action, the election of the President of Turkmenistan, a special emphasis was made on all the necessary conditions that have been created for their work to monitor the election campaign, including meetings with election agents of candidates for the highest state post. In particular, with the assistance of the Central Electoral Commission, the Headquarters of the Mission was set up with the necessary office equipment and communication facilities.
The duties of the Mission staff include assistance in the accreditation of observers, dealing with organizational issues, distribution of observers by regions and determining the procedure for their work on the day of the elections of the President of Turkmenistan, preparing forms of observers’ reports and analysis thereof.
As L. Anfimov emphasized, the Mission of Observers from the CIS will carry out its activities on the basis of generally accepted international standards, independently, without interfering in the internal affairs of the state. The objective of the Mission is to promote the holding of free and democratic elections.
In addition, on February 28, a delegation of the CIS Executive Committee headed by First Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee and CIS Executive Secretary L. Anfimov was received at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.
During the conversation, an exchange of views took place on preparations for the upcoming elections of the President of Turkmenistan on March 12, and the organization of the work of international observers.
In addition, the prospects for a constructive partnership within the CIS, issues of further interstate cooperation in the humanitarian and other fields were discussed.
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On February 28, a two-day seminar on the preparation and holding of the elections and the organization of electoral processes opened in the capital with the support from the OSCE Center in Ashgabat. The event is attended by representatives of different ministries and state agencies of Turkmenistan, as well as political parties and public associations.
Addressing the meeting participants with a welcoming speech, the Head of the OSCE Center in Ashgabat and the Chairman of the CEC of Turkmenistan emphasized the importance of the current major socio-political campaign, the election of the President of Turkmenistan, in the further democratization of society and understanding the responsibility of each citizen for the country’s future.
A presentation was made as part of the event, on international practice of organizing election processes.
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